编辑: 赵志强 2013-12-11
长江制衣有限公司YANGTZEKIANG GARMENT LIMITED 股份代号 Stock code :

294 ANNUAL REPORT 年报2O15/16 For the Year Ended 31st March,

2016 截至二零一六年三月三十一日止年度

01 Corporate Information

2 公司资料 Chairman'

s Statement

3 主席报告 Management Discussion and Analysis

5 管理层讨论与分析 Report of the Directors

12 董事会报告书 Corporate Governance Report

17 企业管治报告 Directors and Management

25 董事及管理人员 Independent Auditor'

s Report

29 独立核数师报告 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

31 综合损益表 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

32 综合损益及其他全面收益表 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

33 综合财务状况表 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

35 综合权益变动表 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

36 综合现金流量表 Notes to the Financial Statements

37 财务报表附注 Group Properties

106 集团物业 Five-Year Summary

107 五年概要 CONTENTS 目录

02 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Director Chan Sui Kau, GBM, GBS, JP (Honorary Chairman) Chan Wing Fui, Peter, MA (Chairman) Chan Wing Kee, GBS, OBE, JP (Managing Director) Chan Wing To, PhD (Deputy Managing Director) Chan Suk Man, MSc Chan Wing Sun, Samuel Chan Suk Ling, Shirley, JP So Ying Woon, Alan Independent non-executive Director Leung Hok Lim, FCPA (Aust.

), CPA (Macau), FCPA (Practising) Lin Keping Sze Cho Cheung, Michael, GBS, CBE, ISO, JP Choi Ting Ki AUDIT COMMITTEE Leung Hok Lim (Chairman) Lin Keping Sze Cho Cheung, Michael Choi Ting Ki REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Sze Cho Cheung, Michael (Chairman) Chan Wing Fui, Peter Chan Wing Kee Leung Hok Lim Lin Keping Choi Ting Ki NOMINATION COMMITTEE Leung Hok Lim (Chairman) Chan Wing Fui, Peter Chan Wing Kee Lin Keping Sze Cho Cheung, Michael Choi Ting Ki RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Chan Wing Fui, Peter (Chairman) Chan Wing Kee Chan Suk Man So Ying Woon, Alan PRINCIPAL BANKERS The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited SOLICITORS Locke Lord AUDITORS KPMG Certified Public Accountants COMPANY SECRETARY Hui Sau Ling, FCCA, CPA REGISTERED OFFICE

22 Tai Yau Street San Po Kong Kowloon SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Shops

1712 C

1716 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre Hong Kong WEBSITE www.ygm.com.hk 董事会 执行董事 陈瑞球 (荣誉主席) 陈永奎 (主席) 陈永棋 (董事总经理) 陈永滔 (副董事总经理) 刘陈淑文 陈永 周陈淑玲 苏应垣 独立非执行董事 梁学濂 林克平 施祖祥 蔡廷基 审核委员会 梁学濂 (主席) 林克平 施祖祥 蔡廷基 薪酬委员会 施祖祥 (主席) 陈永奎 陈永棋 梁学濂 林克平 蔡廷基 提名委员会 梁学濂 (主席) 陈永奎 陈永棋 林克平 施祖祥 蔡廷基 风险管理委员会 陈永奎 (主席) 陈永棋 刘陈淑文 苏应垣 主要往来银行 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司 中国银行 (香港) 有限公司 律师 洛克律师事务所 核数师 毕马威会计师事务所 执业会计师 公司秘书 许秀玲 注册办事处 九龙 新蒲岗 大有街二十二号 股份登记及过户处 香港中央证券登记有限公司 香港 合和中心十七楼

1712 C 1716室 公司网址 www.ygm.com.hk

03 GROUP RESULTS Revenue of the Group for the current year of 2015/16 was HK$938,434,000 (2014/15: HK$1,133,864,000) and the overall profit was HK$4,357,000 (2014/15: a loss of HK$23,608,000). BUSINESS REVIEW AND PROSPECTS Profit from operations for the year under review was HK$23,305,000 as compared to HK$7,666,000 in the previous year. Besides the reduction of our cost of sales, operation expenses as well as selling and distribution expenses that attributed to the positive results, the favourable valuation of our properties also helped to increase our profits of the year. However the continuous loss of our investments in the joint ventures in Wuxi of which the group holds 49% had diminished the group'
