编辑: f19970615123fa | 2014-04-27 |
t leak. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Whenever it'
s time for me to put on the oxygen mask, I felt that I was being tortured and was suffering a lot. On top of that, the mask was so uncomfortable that it made it difficult for me to fall asleep. In many occasions as soon as I managed to start falling asleep, I was called to wake up to take medicine, draw blood, take an injection, measure blood glucose and etc. I felt that due to this sickness, I had undergone all the sufferings there was. At that time, I wanted to leave the hospital badly because I felt I could not take the situation any longer. But it was not up to me when I can be discharged from the hospital. In this extreme situation that I thought I couldn'
t bear, I suddenly calmed down. I realized since I could not change the external conditions, I'
d better change the state of my mind. Only when I cooperate with the doctors could I get well and be discharged. Therefore, when the medical staff put the oxygen mask on me again, I would think: This is good for me. I am eradicating my karmic obstacles now. And it is a higher form of eradicating my karma since the medical staff had to serve me. When I could not sleep at night I would think: I am very grateful since now I have more time to 由此可见,当我们在一个地方感到痛苦不 快乐时,那个地方就是我们的牢狱.所以, 一个人要是在家里或在某个场所,有不愉快 的时候,他就很想离开现场,以为离开就可 以得到解脱和快乐.因此我们常会到人们 说:「我要挣脱『家』的枷锁,我的先生、 我的太太、我的孩子,让我好生气啊!」 「 我要离开这公司,因为老板、因为同事,对我如何又如何,让我做不下去.」 殊不知,我们内心的快乐并不是由外在环 境来的.我有个朋友认识一对非常恩爱的夫 妇,太太每天都很高兴、笑咪咪的,有一次 他们参加一个宴会,我朋友把这位太太拉到 一边说:「我看你老是很开心的样子,是不 是因为你先生对你特别好?」这位太太说: 「不是,我的快乐和我先生没有关系!为什 麽我自己不能快乐,而需要由别人给予呢? 我看到我先生郁闷不乐时,我还想办法让他 高兴呢!」可见,一个独立自主又能为他人 著想的人,这个人是快乐的! 去年,我生病住院,是因为右肺有个瘤 太大而压迫心脏和导致肺积水,加上体内氧 气不足,二氧化碳的数值太高,於是医院要 我除了吃饭外,整天必须戴上氧气罩,让氧 气强力由鼻孔灌进肺部.这个氧气罩子,在 我的脸上紧贴绷著以免氧气外漏,这让我极 端不舒服,所以每当要套上氧气罩时,我就 会想到自己又要上刑受罪了!再加上,因为 它让我相当不舒服,就很难入睡.往往好不 容易才睡著,又常常被吵醒,不是要起身吃 药,就是抽血、打针、量血醣等等.因为 病,所受的苦,我想我全都受了!我那时候 就觉得我要赶快出院,否则再下去我一定受 不了! 但是什麽时候出院,这也不是由我可以决 定的!在这种极端令我受不了的情况之下, 突然冷静下来,我就想,既然我无法决定外 在条件,我只有改变自己的心态,唯有合 作,才能让身体好起来,才有可能出院.於 是当医护人员要放上氧气罩在我脸上时,我 就想:「真好!我现在正在消业障........