编辑: 252276522 2014-05-03
2017年7月乐理第3级试卷 样卷X 模拟答案 答案使用方法 ? 答案与试卷的问题顺序相同,并尽可能采用与试卷相同的排版,以便于对照.

? 如果答案须在五线谱上显示,则原题的五线谱印为灰色,答案为黑色,例如: ? 备选答案以斜线(/)或"或"字隔开,例如: 减慢 / 渐慢 或?要求考生写音阶、和弦或三和弦的问题的答案只显示一个八度.在不同八度上的其他合理答案也可 获得满分. ? 2017,英国皇家音乐学院联合委员会

2 1 (10)

2 (10) or or

3 E flat A sharp C / C natural (10) G sharp B flat E flat

4 major major perfect (10) 7th 6th 4th perfect minor 5th 3rd

5 (10) etc. etc.

3 3 etc. or or or or or or

3 6 (a) (10) (b) minor 3rd

7 (10)

8 (10)

9 (a) (i) 5th (10) (ii)

7 (iii)

7 (iv) Similarity dynamic / rhythm / slur / melodic shape Difference pitch (v)

4 5

2 3 / (b) (10) f p means: animando means: giocoso means:? loud, gradually getting quieter? animated, lively graceful quiet, then immediately loud becoming more lively sweet forced, accented emphatic, accented playful, merry loud, then immediately quiet gradually getting slower lively, quick marcato means: rubato means: triste means: emphatic, accented at a comfortable speed heavy in a military style rhythmically sad, sorrowful in the style of a march with determination slow, stately majestic with some freedom of time? calm
