编辑: 牛牛小龙人 | 2014-08-10 |
2014 (627 entries in list) Please send corrections or additions to the address above or to pdg@lbl.
gov. WORLD-WIDE WEB This list can be acessed via our WWW page: http://pdg.lbl.gov/information.html For other lists of WWW home pages for HEP-related institutions: CERN: http://weblib.cern.ch/Home/HEP Institutes SLAC: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/inst Texas: http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ/state/ For a copy of the more extensive CERN list of addresses, write to: List of Addresses of High-Energy Physics Institutes Scienti?c Information Service CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics CH-1211 Gen` eve 23, Switzerland LONG DISTANCE DIALING ? For dialing long distance outside the country, dial the exit code of the country from which you are dialing, followed by the entrance code of the country to which you are dialing, followed by the area code. Example: to call Geneva, Switzerland from London, England, dial 00C41C22 plus number. ? For dialing long distance inside a country, dial the area exit code followed by the area code. Example: from inside Switzerland, to call Geneva from Zurich, dial 0C22 plus number. ? Numbers in parentheses are area codes. Spaces between digits are for easier reading and have no signi?cance. ? Exit, entrance, and area exit code numbers are found on the line after the country name, at the head of each country'
s listing. UNIVERSAL TIME Numbers in square brackets [ ] are the numbers of hours that must be added algebraically to local time to obtain Greenwich (Universal) time. Cities with negative numbers lie to the east of Greenwich, England;
cities with positive numbers lie to the west. To calculate the number of hours between any two cities, subtract the two numbers algebraically. The city with the smaller algebraic number has the later time. (In general, Asia is later than Europe is later than the eastern United States is later than the western United States.) Daylight savings time variations may cause all calculations to be o? by an hour. NETWORK NODES Note: Internet node addresses are being phased out and replaced by WWW addresses (see above). If you do not have a WWW URL, we include your Internet node addresses for e-mail. Institutions can have their nodes or URLs added to this list by sending a message to Gail Harper (see above). Please send ONLY Internet addresses as we do not add any others. E-mail addresses for individuals, not included in this list, can often be acquired: 1) via the Web: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/hepnames 2) by sending a request to postmaster at a node ARGENTINA UT=[+3] ? Entrance code = 54. Exit code = 00. Area exit code = 0. Univ. de Buenos Aires;
Dept. F? ?sica, FCEN;
C. Universitaria - Pab 1;
1428 Buenos Aires Fax: (11)-4576C3357 http://www.df.uba.ar/ (11)-4576C3353 Centro At? omico Bariloche C CNEA Avda. E. Bustillo, Km. 9,500;
8400 San Carlos de Bariloche;
Rio Negro Fax: (2944)-445
299 http://www.cab.cnea.gov.ar/ (2944)-445
159 Ext.
37 (2944)-445
151 Comisi? on Nacional de Energ? ?a At? omica Departamento de Fisica;
Av. del Libertador 8250;
1429 Buenos Aires (Phone #1 is Main switchboard;
#2 is Secretary) Fax: (11)-4754C7121 http://www.tandar.cnea.gov.ar/ (11)-4754C7007 (11)-4754C7078 Univ. Nacional de C? ordoba, FAMAF Relativity and Gravitation Group;
Ciudad Universitaria;
5000 C? ordoba Fax: (351)-433C4054 Telex:
51 822 bucor ar Node: ?s.uncor.edu (351)-433C4051 IAFE C Quantum Theories &