编辑: 于世美 2014-08-11
个人免冠近照 基本信息 姓名 周哲敏 职称 教授 学历/学位 博士 联系电话 0510-85325210 电子邮箱 zhmzhou@jiangnan.

edu.cn 个人简介 长期从事生物催化的研究,主要承担生物化学、学科前沿进展课程的讲授工作.近年 来共发表高水平研究论文60篇,累计影响因子100以上,他引700多次,出版专著(或 教材)2部;


主持包括 国家自然科学基金面上项目、"863"课题、教育部重大项目等在内的省部级科研项目 10余项;

获得中国石油和化学工业技术发明二等奖1项(2017,12),指导学生获得第 二届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛二等奖.入选新世纪优秀人才 (2010)江苏省 "333高层次人才培养工程"四期 (2011)江苏省"六大高峰人才"七期(2011)江 苏省创新团队(骨干成员)(2013),中国生物化学与分子生物学会工业生物化学与 分子生物学分会协会理事、教育部高等教学指导委员会委员. 学习工作经历(自本科填起) 学习经历: 1988.8-1992.7 天津商学院食品系 大学本科 获学士学位 1998年4月-2003年3月 日本筑波大学 应用生物化学系五年一贯制博士课程 获博士学位 研究经历: 2002年4月-2006年3月 日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS) 2006年4月-2007年3月 日本筑波大学生命环境科学研究科 COE研究员 2007年4月-2009年8月 日本筑波大学生命环境科学研究科 博士后研究员 2009年9月- 江南大学生物工程学院 太湖学者特聘教授 主要代表性成果:

一、论文(论著)发表情况 1. Wenjing Cui*, Feiya Suo, Jintao Cheng, Laichuang Han, Wenliang Hao, Junling Guo, Zhemin Zhou*. Stepwise modifications of genetic parts reinforce the secretory production of nattokinase in Bacillus subtilis. Microb Biotechnol 11:930-942. 2. Wenjing Cui*, Laichuang Han, Feiya Suo, Zhongmei Liu, Li Zhou, Zhemin Zhou*.Exploitation of Bacillus subtilis as a robust workhorse for production of heterologous proteins and beyond. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2018) 34:145. 3. Jinfeng Wang, Zhongmei Liu, Zhemin Zhou* .Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Thermophilic Amylopullulanase with a Type I Pullulanase Structure From Anoxybacillus sp WB42. Starch-Starke 70. doi:ARTN 1700265.10.1002/star.201700265 4. Jinfeng Wang, Zhongmei Liu, Zhemin Zhou* .The N-Terminal Domain of the Pullulanase from Anoxybacillus sp WB42 Modulates Enzyme Specificity and Thermostability. Chembiochem 19:949-955 5.Cheng Z, Cui W, Xia Y, Peplowski L, Kobayashi M, Zhou Z*: Modulation of NHase regioselectivity towards dinitriles by tailoring the substrate binding pocket residues. ChemCatChem 2017, In press. 6. Cheng Z, Peplowski L, Cui W, Xia Y, Liu Z, Zhang J, Kobayashi M, Zhou Z*: Identification of key residues modulating the stereoselectivity of nitrile hydratase toward rac- mandelonitrile by semi-rational engineering. Biotechnol Bioeng 2017. In press 7. Zhou L, Cui WJ, Liu ZM, Zhou ZM*: Metabolic engineering strategies for D-lactate over production in Escherichia coli. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2016, 91:576-584. 8. Xia Y, Cui W, Liu Z, Zhou L, Cui Y, Kobayashi M, Zhou Z*: Construction of a subunit- fusion nitrile hydratase and discovery of an innovative metal ion transfer pattern. Sci Rep 2016, 6:19183. 9. Guan C, Cui W, Cheng J, Zhou L, Liu Z, Zhou Z*: Development of an efficient autoinducible expression system by promoter engineering in Bacillus subtilis. Microb Cell Fact 2016, 15:66. 10. Cui W, Han L, Cheng J, Liu Z, Zhou L, Guo J, Zhou Z*: Engineering an inducible gene expression system for Bacillus subtilis from a strong constitutive promoter and a theophylline- activated synthetic riboswitch. Microb Cell Fact 2016, 15:199. 11. Cheng ZY, Cui WJ, Liu ZM, Zhou L, Wang M, Kobayashi M, Zhou ZM*: A switch in a substrate tunnel for directing regioselectivity of nitrile hydratases towards alpha,omega- dinitriles. Catalysis Science & Technology 2016, 6:1292-1296. 12. Guan C, Cui W, Cheng J, Zhou L, Guo J, Hu X, Xiao G, Zhou Z*: Construction and development of an auto-regulatory gene expression system in Bacillus subtilis. Microb Cell Fact 2015, 14:150. 13. Cui Y, Cui W, Liu Z, Zhou L, Kobayashi M, Zhou Z*: Improvement of stability of nitrile hydratase via protein fragment swapping. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2014, 450:401-408. 14. Gao X, Cui W, Ding N, Liu Z, Tian Y, Zhou Z*: Structure-based approach to alter the substrate specificity of Bacillus subtilis aminopeptidase. Prion 2013, 7. 15. Zhou Z*, Hashimoto Y, Kobayashi M: Self-subunit swapping chaperone needed for the maturation of multimeric metalloenzyme nitrile hydratase by a subunit exchange mechanism also carries out the oxidation of the metal ligand cysteine residues and insertion of cobalt. J Biol Chem 2009, 284:14930-14938. 16. Zhou Z*, Hashimoto Y, Shiraki K, Kobayashi M: Discovery of posttranslational maturation by self-subunit swapping. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008, 105:14849-14854.
