编辑: 山南水北 2015-01-27
刘纪彩 个人简介

一、 基本信息 姓名: 刘纪彩 性别: 男 出生年月:

1984 年12 月民族: 汉族 职称职务: 讲师 最高学位: 理学博士 通信地址: 浙江省温州市茶山高教园区温州大学南校区 3B421 E-mail : jcliu2016@foxmail.


二、 学习经历 2004/09―2008/07 山东大学 本科 2008/09―2011/06 华东师范大学 硕士 2014/09―2017/06 华东师范大学 博士

三、 研究方向 组合数学,数论与特殊函数论

四、 基金项目 1. 带p-adic Gamma 函数的组合同余式研究,国家自然科学基金 青年项目 (11801417),22 万元,2019/01―2021/12,主持

五、 发表论文(SCI 收录) 1. Ji-Cai Liu, Congruences on sums of super Catalan numbers, Results Math., to appear. 2. Ji-Cai Liu, Semi-automated proof of supercongruences on partial sums of hypergeometric series, J. Symbolic Comput., to appear. 3. Victor J.W. Guo, Ji-Cai Liu, q-Analogues of two Ramanujan-type formulas for 1/π, J. Difference Equ. Appl.

24 (2018), 1368C1373. 4. Ji-Cai Liu, Supercongruences involving p-adic Gamma functions, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.

98 (2018), 27C37. 5. Ji-Cai Liu, Long Li, Su-Dan Wang, Some congruences on Delannoy numbers and Schr?der numbers, Int. J. Number Theory

14 (2018), 2035C2041. 6. Ji-Cai Liu, A generalized supercongruence of Kimoto and Wakayama, J. Math. Anal. Appl.

467 (2018), 15C25. 7. Ji-Cai Liu, Some supercongruences on truncated 3F2 hypergeometric series, J. Difference Equ. Appl.

24 (2018), 438C451. 8. Ji-Cai Liu, Some finite generalizations of Gauss's square exponent identity, Rocky Mountain J. Math.

47 (2017), 2723C2730. 9. Ji-Cai Liu, Jichun Liu, Some Extensions of the Prabhu-Srivastava Theorem Involving the (p;

q) Gamma Function, Filomat

31 (2017), 4507C4513. 10. Ji-Cai Liu, A p-adic supercongruence for truncated hypergeometric series 7F6, Results Math.

72 (2017), 2057C2066. 11. Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of some divisibility results on sums involving binomial coefficients, J. Number Theory

180 (2017), 566C572. 12. Ji-Cai Liu, Some finite generalizations of Euler's pentagonal number theorem, Czechoslovak Math. J.

142 (2017), 525C531. 13. Ji-Cai Liu, Congruences for truncated hypergeometric series 2F1, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.

96 (2017), 14C23. 14. Ji-Cai Liu, Wilberd van der Kallen, Proof of Sun's conjectures on Schr?der-like numbers, Int. J. Number Theory

13 (2017), 1627C1638. 15. Victor J.W. Guo, Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of a congruence on sums of powers of q-binomial coefficients, Int. J. Number Theory

13 (2017), 1571C1577. 16. Ji-Cai Liu, Some congruences for Schr?der type polynomials, Colloq. Math.

146 (2017), 187C195. 17. Ji-Cai Liu, On two conjectural supercongruences of Apagodu and Zeilberger, J. Difference Equ. Appl.

22 (2016), 1791C1799. 18. Ji-Cai Liu, A supercongruence involving Delannoy numbers and Schr?der numbers, J. Number Theory

168 (2016), 117C127. 19. Victor J.W. Guo, Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of some conjectures of Z.-W. Sun on the divisibility of certain double sums, Int. J. Number Theory

12 (2016), 615C623. 20. Victor J.W. Guo, Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of a conjecture of Z.-W. Sun on the divisibility of a triple sum, J. Number Theory

156 (2015), 154C160. (2018 年9月更新)
