编辑: GXB156399820 | 2015-05-18 |
334 号T:
86 (0)
21 6089 3288, F:
86 (0)
21 6089
3280 U: www.vivabiotech.com 附岗位职责 Responsibilities:
1、初级有机合成研究员/初级药物化学研究员 Junior Organic Chemist/Junior Medicinal Chemist
1、根据项目要求,按时完成目标化合物的合成 Perform organic synthesis of assigned target molecules according to the project's goal and timeline
2、运用仪器设备进行 LCMS,HPLC 等的分析检测 Conduct instrumental analysis of synthesized compounds, such as LCMS, HPLC, etc.
3、用英文完成实验记录本记录工作和撰写实验报告 Record notebooks and write formal synthetic report in English
4、积极参与研发项目相关工作 Fulfill other project-related tasks and responsibilities
2、中级有机合成研究员/中级药物化学研究员 Associate Organic Chemist/Associate Medicinal Chemist
1、根据项目要求,按时完目标有机化合物的合成 Perform organic synthesis of assigned target molecules according to the project's goal and timeline
2、在项目经理指导下开展关键实验步骤的调研,优化和放大 Assist the supervisor in conducting R&D of key synthetic steps' optimization and scale-up
3、运用仪器设备进行 LCMS,HPLC,NMR 等的分析检测,确定一般化和合物结构 Instrumental analysis of synthesized compounds, such as LCMS, HPLC, and NMR etc. to solve novel compound structures
4、用英文完成实验记录本记录工作和撰写实验报告 Record notebooks and write formal synthetic report in English
5、有一定能力进行英文参考文献及专利的调研查阅 Capable of searching and reading English language journal articles and patents Viva Biotech Ltd.
334 Aidisheng Rd, Zhangjiang High-tech Park, Shanghai 201203, China 维亚生物(上海)科技有限公司, 中国上海市张江高科技园区爱迪生路
334 号T:
86 (0)
21 6089 3288, F:
86 (0)
21 6089
3280 U: www.vivabiotech.com
3、高级有机合成研究员/高级药物化学研究员 Senior Organic Chemist/Senior Medicinal Chemist
1、 根据项目要求, 按时完成复杂结构目标有机化合物的路线设计和合成 Design synthetic route and perform organic synthesis of target molecules with complex structures
2、带领实验小组开展项目、帮助解决实验中遇到的问题 Lead a small team of chemists and help solve chemistry problems to meet the project goal and timeline
3、运用仪器设备进行 LCMS,HPLC,NMR 等的分析检测,确定较复杂化合物结构 Instrumental analysis of synthesized compounds, such as LCMS, HPLC, and NMR etc. to solve novel compound structures
4、用英文完成实验记录本记录工作和撰写实验报告,并定期以演讲形式向上级汇报工作 Record notebooks and write formal synthetic report in English;
report project progress to the management team in the form of ppt presentation
5、熟练掌握英文参考文献及专利的调研查阅,并进行分析 Proficient with searching and analyzing English language journal articles and patents
6、对实验小组成员进行技术指导与业务能力培训 Capable of providing team members with basic chemistry theory and technical skill training
4、化学分析研究员 Analytical Chemist 岗位职责 Responsibilities
1、负责有机化合物的日常分析检测工作 Responsible for routine LCMS and HPLC analyses of small organic molecules.
2、负责有机化合物的制备纯化工作 Responsible for preparative-HPLC separation of organic small molecules