编辑: ACcyL 2015-06-23

.兴建煤灰湖作临时储存煤灰之用,以 便日后用於制作水泥;

.兴建海堤促进海洋生物生 存;

.所有输送带采用密封式设 计,以减少煤尘飞散等. 透过了解以上措施,让这次旅程解答了 我在参观前的疑问,了解到为何发电厂运 作多年,南丫岛依然可保持洁净的环境. 八千块太阳能板 全港最大 另外,虽然本身对本港电力供应的认识 不多,但我校在通识科中也曾探讨过有关 香港的发电情况.宜,香港能源的 来源主要是化石燃料及天然气.同时,由 於香港境内并没有能源矿产的储藏,因此 所有燃料均依靠外地进口. 不过,目前港灯也致力发展可再生能 源,在南丫岛上兴建了香港首台具商业规 模的风力发电站―「南丫风采发电站」, 以及於发电厂内启用了全港目前最大规模 的太阳能发电系统.我在活动当天也参观 了厂内八千多块太阳能板中的一小部分, 但已经十分壮观了,令我留下深刻印象. 在香港,太阳能应该是在众多可再生能 源中较为人熟知的一种,甚至有不少学校 或公众地方均有设置太阳能板,但在参观 过程中,我才知道「南丫发电厂」是采用 新式的「非晶硅薄膜光伏板」,制造的物 料和所需能源较少,更具成本效益. 我相信,发展可再生能源为环保发电奠 定下重要的基石,而透过让学生和年轻人 参观发电厂内的各项环保措施及可再生能 源设备,对我们了解环保发电,重视节 能,有着重要的教育作用. 学生:锺顺愉 东华三院吕润财纪念中学 (港灯智「惜」用电计划「绿得开心学 校」之一) 访南丫电厂 解洁净之谜 智惜 用电 日本搅浑南海 中日关系再退 Sino-Japaneserelationstorecedebyunwelcomedinterference Tomomi Inada, sworn in as Japan'

s new Defence Minister on August, said during her speech in Washington DC that Japan planned to step up its activity in the South China Sea through joint training patrols with the United States. Announced when Sino-Japanese relations seems to be easing, the bold statement clearly violates Chinese national interest in the region, and is set to freeze bilateral ties if vision is translated into action. As a matter of fact, China possesses undeniable sovereignty over the South China Sea. As an outsider with no geographical proximity, Japan'

s intensifying involvement and cooperation with the U.S. in the South China Sea dispute will only complicate the regional issue. During his meeting with the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe at the Hangzhou G20 summit early September, Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated that Sino-Japanese relations had entered a key phase, where no progress means regression. The Abe-Xi meeting was the first between the two since April 2015, and was widely regarded as signs of improved ties between the two countries. What exactly is Japan'

s intention as the new Japanese Defence Minister added tensions again so soon after the summit? Impairing already cracked relations Ever since the passage of the new security law on September 2015, Japan has been trying to use the South China Sea as a testing ground for foreign conflict participation. A commanding officer from the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF) has publicly stated that the Sea affected Japan'

s interest because the country is dependent on open sea lanes for resources. On November 2015, it signed an agreement with Vietnam which would allow JMSDF vessels to use the Cam Ranh Bay port facilities. This January, some JMSDF P-3C patrol aircrafts performed duties in the Sea;
