编辑: huangshuowei01 2016-06-13

155 public rental housing estates,

23 commercial centres and

72 carparks will be implemented by

30 June 2012. To strike a balance between the progress of improvement works and service interruption and nuisances to tenants, HA will schedule some of the improvement works for completion by

30 June 2014. To tie in with HA'

s lift modernisation programme, a small proportion of improvement works will be completed by 2016. Progress of HA'

s retrofitting programme is at Annex D. In brief, site survey and

3 feasibility study for all premises/facilities have been completed, while works have commenced at

40 sites. 7. Meanwhile, HyD will also accelerate its retrofitting programme for the provision of barrier-free access (lift or ramp) at public footbridges, subways or elevated walkway structures without such access or alternative at-grade crossings, where technically feasible. Up to now, out of a total of

295 such facilities, HyD has completed investigation of

123 facilities, of which

67 were found feasible for lift/ramp retrofitting works. Amongst these

67 facilities, the retrofitting works for

22 have been completed so far and the retrofitting works for

12 are in progress or under active planning. As regards the remaining footbridges, subways or elevated walkway structures, HyD has already commenced planning and investigation for retrofitting works. In order to further shorten the time of project delivery, retrofitting works for all remaining feasible items would be taken forward in phases with the majority of works scheduled for completion by around 2016-17 and the rest (e.g. those involving public objections or are technically complex) by around 2017-18. In this regard, the Administration will seek approval for funding of about $280 million from the Legislative Council in this financial year for the design of barrier-free facilities at

180 public pedestrian footbridges and subways, as well as the first phase of retrofitting works. Progress of the relevant retrofitting works is at Annex E. Appointment of Access Co-ordinators and Access Officers 8. With effect from

1 April 2011, the Government has appointed Access Co-ordinators in individual bureaux and departments to co-ordinate accessibility issues within the bureau and department to facilitate Government-wide collaborative efforts in enhancing the accessibility of Government and HA premises and facilities. Individual bureaux and departments have also appointed an Access Officer for each venue under their management to improve day-to-day management, raise venue staff'

s awareness of accessibility issues and follow up the needs of persons with disabilities on barrier-free facilities effectively. 9. A set of contact lists of all Access Co-ordinators and Access Officers appointed by individual bureaux and departments has been uploaded to the Labour and Welfare Bureau'

s website. Contact information on Access Co-ordinators and Access Officers of individual

4 bureaux and departments is also available on their website or displayed at the venues. Application of the Latest Barrier-Free Design Standards to Existing Buildings 10. The Administration has also been asked to respond to suggestions that the latest barrier-free design standards should also apply to existing buildings and that a fund should be set up to provide financial assistance to owners of private properties in need in upgrading the barrier-free facilities of old buildings. 11. Under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 487) (DDO) which applies both to existing and new buildings, it is unlawful to discriminate against persons with disabilities in relation to the provision of means of access to any premises that the public is entitled to enter or use. The Equal Opportunities Commission, being the statutory body to enforce DDO, will follow up on complaints regarding provision of reasonable barrier-free access for persons with disabilities in existing premises, including the private properties. 12. Building (Planning) Regulations (B(P)R)
