编辑: f19970615123fa 2016-07-04

s commitment to environmental protection, we are obliged to observe central guidelines for green purchasing and take environmental considerations into account when procuring goods and services. Environmental terms such as high standard of recyclability and energy efficiency have been included in tender specifications whenever applicable. ? Maintain the growth in electricity consumption at a level below the traffic growth at HKIA In 2000, passenger and cargo throughput reached 33.4 million and 2.24 million tonnes respectively, represented a rise of 9.8 % and 13.3 % over 1999.Aircraft movements also increased to 181,900, a rise of 8.7% over 1999. In spite of the growth in air traffic, average daily electricity consumption in ATCX in

2000 decreased by 0.3% comparing to 1999, amounted to

15869 kilowatt-hours. The implementation of various energy saving initiatives implemented coupled with increased consciousness of staff to energy conservation were believed to be major factors contributing to the lower electricity consumption in 2000.ForAFFC,the average daily power consumption however was increased to

586 kilowatt-hours, a 15% rise over 1999. The increase was attributed to two main reasons. Firstly, additional new computer equipment was installed in the office of Electronics Engineering Section of Technical &

Planning Division for the new satellite-based CNS/ATM systems. Secondly,the offices at AFFC had been expanded to cater for the expansion of Electronics Engineering Section. 节省能源 Energy Conservation

14 图七:航空交通管制大楼及控制塔的用 Diagram 7: Electricity Consumption in ATCX/TWR 电量记录 平均每日耗电量度Year

2000 Year

1999 图八:民航处设於机场空运中心的办公 Diagram 8: Electricity Consumption in CAD Offices at 室用电量记录 AFFC 平均每日耗电量度Year

2000 Year

1999 2001 年的新目标 ? 完成在航管大楼内,以高能源效益的电 子镇流器取代电光管组件中的电感式镇 流器的工程. ? 维持2001 年耗电量的增长低於这年度 内航空交通在飞机架次方面的增长. New targets in

2001 ? Complete the installation of more energy efficient electronic ballasts to replace the electro-magnetic ballasts of all the fluorescent light tubes installed in ATCX. ? Maintain the growth in electricity consumption at a level below the traffic growth, in terms of aircraft movements, in 2001. 节省能源 Energy Conservation 15 ........
