编辑: 此身滑稽 2016-07-20
Classification of Water Consumer Accounts Business, Domestic and Government Account Categories 当用户申请新水表或户口转名时,必须申报水表用户分类.

请在本册子中选择最适合该用水地址的用户种类编码. (注:根段鬯?服务条?》第7条规定,凡任何用户 (a) 未有提供所须提供的资料;

(b) 未有按第4(8)条的规定通知排水事务监督;

(c) 提供他 明知或理应知道在要项上属虚假的资料,则该用户须缴付因该等行动而致欠缴的排污费或工商业污水附加费,而该笔欠缴的排污费或工商业污水附加 费,可作为拖欠政府的债项而予以追讨.) 商商商商业 业业业、 、 、 、住住住住宅 宅宅宅和 和和和政 政政政府 府府府用 用用用户 户户户类 类类类水水水水别别别别表表表表用 用用用户 户户户分 分分分类 类类类On applying for new water accounts or change of consumership, applicants are required to declare their account classification. Please choose from this booklet the classification code that corresponds most precisely to the account category at the service address. (Note: According to Section

7 of the Sewage Services Ordinance, where a consumer (a) fails to supply required information;

(b) fails to notify the Drainage Authority as required under section 4(8);

(c) supplies information which he knew or ought reasonably to have known was false in a material particular, he shall be liable for any sewage charges or trade effluent surcharges not paid as a result of such action and the unpaid sewage charges or trade effluent surcharges may be recovered as a debt due to the Government.) 商商商商业 业业业用 用用用户 户户户类 类类类别 别别别Business Account Categories 第第第第一 一一一部 部部部分 分分分Part

1 (须缴付工商业污水附加费 Subject to Trade Effluent Surcharge) 根段鬯?服务条?》规定, 见第二部分. (注: 「 餐餐餐馆馆馆业业业非中式 餐馆业」 (细分为 细 中式 快餐店 分为 4个「下列27类行业、业务或制造业须缴付工商业污水附加费.如并不属下列行业、业务或制造业,请 中式」 说种明类说说说明 明明编码) 、 「非中式」、 「快餐店」和「其他饮食场所」4个种类编码;

余下的26类行业、业务或制造业只有1 个种类编码.) According to the Sewage Services Ordinance, the following

27 trades, businesses or manufactures are subject to Trade Effluent Surcharge. Please see Part

2 if not listed below. (Note: The restaurants trade is sub-divided into

4 classification codes, while the remaining

26 trades, businesses or manufactures have only

1 single classification code.) 餐餐餐餐馆 馆馆馆业 业业业Classification Code Description - Restaurants (sub-divided into

4 classification codes)

641100 restaurants Chinese

641200 restaurants non-Chinese

641300 restaurants fast food shops

641998 restaurants other eating places 种种种种类 类类类编 编编编码 码码码RESTAURANTS FOOD MANUFACTURING

311100 食食食食品 品品品加 加加加工 工工工业 业业业餐餐馆馆业业其他饮食场所 屠宰、调制及腌制肉类 slaughtering, preparing &

preserving meat

311200 dairy products

311300 乳 制品 水果 蔬菜的装罐和腌制 canning &

preserving of fruit &


311400 canning, preserving and processing of fish &


311500 鱼类类和和介壳类的装罐、腌制和加工 菜油、花生油、薄荷油及大茴香子油 vegetable oil, peanut oil, peppermint oil, and aniseed oil
