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1 IEEE 802.3af/at兼容、用电设备接口控制器, 集成功率MOSFET MAX5969A/MAX5969B 概述 MAX5969A/MAX5969B为用电设备(PD)提供符合以太网供 电(PoE)系统IEEE? 802.3af/at标准的完整接口.MAX5969A/ MAX5969B为PD提供检测信号、分级信号以及带有浪涌电 流控制的集成隔离功率开关.发生浪涌期间,MAX5969A/ MAX5969B将电流限制在180mA以内,直到隔离功率 MOSFET完全开启后切换到较高的限流值(720mA至880mA). 器件具有输入UVLO,带有较宽的滞回和长周期干扰脉冲屏 蔽,以补偿双绞线电缆的阻性衰减,确保上电/掉电期间无 干扰传输.MAX5969A/MAX5969B输入端能够承受高达 100V的电压. MAX5969A/MAX5969B支持IEEE 802.3at标准规定的 2级事件分级方法,并提供一个信号用于指示2类供电设备 (PSE)的侦测情况.器件检测墙上适配器电源的连接状态, 允许从PoE电源平滑切换到墙上适配器电源. MAX5969A/MAX5969B还提供电源就绪(PG)信号、2级 电流限制和折返式热保护以及di/dt限制. MAX5969A/MAX5969B采用节省空间的10引脚、3mm x 3mm、TDFN封装,工作在-40°C至+85°C扩展级温度范围. 应用 IEEE 802.3af/at用电设备 IP电话、无线接点、IP安全摄像机 WiMAX?基站 特性 S 兼容于IEEE 802.3af/at S 2级事件分级 S 简易的墙上适配器接口 S 0至5级PoE分级 S 100V绝对最大额定输入 S 180mA最大浪涌电流限制 S 正常工作期间电流限制在720mA至880mA S 电流限制和折返式保护 S 传统的36V UVLO (MAX5969A) S IEEE 802.3af/at兼容、40V UVLO (MAX5969B) S 过热保护 S 增强散热的3mm * 3mm、10引脚TDFN封装 19-5008;
Rev 0;
12/09 +表示无铅(Pb)/符合RoHS标准的封装. *EP = 裸焊盘. 定购信息 引脚配置 IEEE是美国电子和电气工程师协会的注册服务标志. WiMAX是WiMAX论坛的商标. 可提供评估板 PART TEMP RANGE PIN-_ PACKAGE UVLO_ THRESHOLD _ (V) MAX5969AETB+ -40NC to +85NC
10 TDFN-EP* 35.4 MAX5969BETB+ -40NC to +85NC
10 TDFN-EP* 38.6
1 3
4 10
2 9 2EC DET
5 6 RTN VSS TDFN (3mm * 3mm) TOP VIEW + IEEE 802.3af/at兼容、用电设备接口控制器, 集成功率MOSFET MAX5969A/MAX5969B 2? Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. VDD to VSS.0.3V to +100V DET, RTN, WAD, PG, 2EC to VSS.0.3V to +100V CLS to VSS.0.3V to +6V Maximum Current on CLS (100ms maximum)100mA Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70NC) (Note 1) 10-Pin TDFN (derate 24.4mW/NC above +70NC) Multilayer Board.1951mW Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2) BJA. 4NC/W BJC.9NC/W Operating Temperature Range.40NC to +85NC Maximum Junction Temperature. 150NC Storage Temperature Range. 65NC to +150NC Soldering Temperature (reflow)260NC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN = (VDD - VSS) = 48V, RDET = 24.9kω, RCLS = 619ω. RTN, WAD, PG, and 2EC unconnected, all voltages are referenced to VSS, unless otherwise noted. TA = TJ = -40NC to +85NC, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25NC.) (Note 3) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Note 1: Maximum power dissipation is obtained using JEDEC JESD51-5 and JESD51-7 specifications. Note 2: Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a four- layer board. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to china.maxim-ic.com/thermal-tutorial. PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DETECTION MODE Input Offset Current IOFFSET VIN = 1.4V to 10.1V (Note 4)