编辑: 霜天盈月祭 | 2016-09-06 |
8 所示o带凸起中心的垫圈(A)侧o其直径 和锯片的内径相同o而垫圈(B)的凹入侧必须和 锯片侧一致- *
3 种锯片附带了垫圈(A)o其内径分别为
16 毫米p20 毫米 和30 毫米-(购买电圆锯时o随 机附带有一种垫圈(A)-) 如果您的锯片内径与垫圈(A)的内径不一致o 请与您购买电圆锯的销售店联系- (4) 锯片应妥加安装o使锯片的箭头同锯盖上的箭头 对准- (5) 尽量用手指拧紧固定锯片的六角头螺栓-然后压 下锁紧杆o锁住主轴o并拧紧螺栓-
7 注意U ? 若使用附件以外的扳手o螺栓不能拧紧o故务 必使用附属的扳手- ? 连接电源线之前o应先检查锁紧杆回到原来位 置o锯片转动平顺- 维护和检查1. 检查锯片 使用钝锯片将会导致电动机故障o降低工作效 率o故发现磨损时应尽快加以磨快或更换新的- 2. 检查安装螺钉 要经常检查安装螺钉是否紧固妥善-若发现螺钉 了o应立即重新扭紧o否则会导致严重的事 故- 3. 电动机的维护 电动机绕线是电动工具的心脏部-应仔细检查有 无损伤o是否被油液或水沾湿- 4. 检查碳刷(图9) 马达使用碳刷o它是消耗部品o因为使用过久的 碳刷将会导致马达故障o用具有相同碳刷号的新 碳刷去更换旧的o碳刷编号用数字表示碳刷何时 用旧或接近於磨损极限o此外o要经常保持碳刷 清洁以及保证它在刷握里能自由滑动- ? 更换碳刷 用无头螺丝刀卸下碳刷盖o然后可以很容易地取 下碳刷- 5. 检查安全盖的作用并进行维修U 小心维护安全盖o使它保持正常作用-将安全盖 旋转部分周围积留的锯屑去除干净o然后在其滑 动部位涂上主轴油o以提高其性能- 6. 调整底座和锯片以保持垂直U 底座和锯片之间的角度已被调整为
90 度o但是o 这一垂直角度可能会由于某些原因而改变o请按 以下方式调整U (1) 将底座转向上方(图10)并拧松旋钮和蝶形螺栓 (图4(A)p图4(B))- (2) 将一把直角尺放在底座和锯片上o转动螺丝-移 动底座的位置以形成所需的正确角度- 注意:为求改进o本手册所载规格可能不预先通告 而径予更改-
8 18. Use outdoor extension leads. When tool is used outdoors, use only extension cords intended for outdoor use. 19. Stay alert. Watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate tool when you are tired. 20. Check damaged parts. Before further use of the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment of moving parts, free running of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting and any other conditions that may affect its operation. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by an authorized service center unless otherwise indicated in this handling instructions. Have defective switches replaced by an authorized service center. Do not use the tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. 21. Warning The use of any accessory or attachment, other than those recommended in this handling instructions, may present a risk of personal injury. 22. Have your tool repaired by a qualified person. This electric tool is in accordance with the relevant safety requirements. Repairs should only be carried out by qualified persons using original spare parts. Otherwise this may result in considerable danger to the user. PRECAUTIONS ON USING CIRCULAR SAW 1. Do not use saw blades which are deformed or cracked. 2. Do not use saw blades made of high speed steel. 3. Do not use saw blades which do not comply with the characteristics specified in these instructions. 4. Do not stop the saw blades by lateral pressure on the disc. 5. Always keep the saw blades sharp. 6. Ensure that the safety cover moves smoothly and freely. 7. Never use the circular saw with its safety cover fixed in the open position. 8. Ensure that the retraction mechanism of the guard system operates correctly. 9. The saw blades body must be thinner than the riving knife and the width of cut, or kerf (with the teeth set) must be greater than the thickness of the riving knife. 10. Never operate the circular saw with the saw blade turned upward or to the side. 11. Ensure that the material is free of foreign matter such as pails. 12. The riving knife should always be used except when plunging in the middle of the work piece. 13. The saw blades range should be from