编辑: 5天午托 2016-09-15

6 所示.通过调整放大器的工作电流即可使系 统的反射损耗大于 15.8 dB,系统增益为 20.7 dB,滤 波器通带内的增益平坦度小于 0.15 dB,无需对滤波 器进行调谐即可满足工程应用要求. 图5滤波器仿真响应曲线(虚线)和 测试结果(实线)的比较 Fig.

5 Comparison between the measured performance (solid lines) of the eight-pole HTS filter and the simulated results (dashed lines) 图6低温低噪声放大器和未调谐的滤波器相连的测试结果 Fig.

6 The measured results of the untuned eight-pole HTS filter connected with a low noise amplifier (LNA)

4 结论本文采用具有高仿真准确度且结构紧凑的螺旋 形谐振器进行滤波器设计,在直径为

2 英寸的 MgO

183 MHz 高性能高温超导滤波器设计 第4卷第1期2009 年1月78 中国科技论文在线 Sciencepaper Online 基片上实现了中心频率为

183 MHz 的8节超导滤波 器.对仿真 cell 尺寸的敏感度分析表明,该滤波器 结构对仿真假设的敏感度低.实际测试结果表明, 该滤波器具有优异的性能,无需调谐即符合工程应 用指标要求. [参考文献](References) [1] ZHANG G, ZHU M, CAO B, et al. Design and performance of a compact forward-coupled HTS microstrip filter for a GSM system [J]. IEEE TransAppl Supercond, 2002, 12(4): 1897-1901. [2] GUO X, CAO B, WEI B, et al. A high performance HTS filter subsystem for CDMA mobile communications [J]. Chinese J Phys, 2004, 42(4): 463-467. [3] SALKOLA M I, Scalapino D J, Benefits of superconducting technology to wireless CDMA networks [J]. IEEE Trans Veh Technol, 2006, 55(3): 943-955. [4] YIN Z, WEI B, CAO B, et al. Field trial of an HTS filter system on a CDMAbase station [J]. Chinese Sci Bull, 2007, 52(2): 171-174. [5] MATTHAEI G L. Narrow-band, fixed-tuned, and tunable bandpass filters with zig-zag hairpin-comb resonators [J]. IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech, 2003, 51(4): 1214-1219. [6] TSUZUKI G, YE S, BERKOWITZ S. Ultra selective HTS bandpass filter for 3G wireless application [J]. IEEE Trans Appl Supercond, 2003, 13(2): 261-264. [7] HUANG F. Ultra-compact superconducting narrow-band filters using single- and twin-spiral resonators [J]. IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech, 2003, 51(2): 487-491. [8] MATTHAEI G L, YOUNG L, JONES E M T. Microwave filters impedance-matching networks and coupling structures [M]. Norwood, MA:Artech House, 1980. [9] Sonnet software Inc., EM User'

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