编辑: hyszqmzc | 2016-10-20 |
01 Autumn Semester, 2014: Statistics (本科生课程).
02 Spring Semester, 2015: Data Mining (本科生课程), Numerical Analysis (本科生课 程).
03 Autumn Semester, 2015: Statical Commuting (本科生课程).
04 Spring Semester, 2016: Optimization (硕士研究生课程), Machine Learning (硕士 研究生课程).
05 Autumn Semester, 2016: Statistical Simulation (硕士研究生课程), Big Data Mining and Machine Learning (硕士研究生课程).
06 Spring Semester, 2017: Numerical Linear Algebra (本科生课程), Introduction to Data Science (青年教师讨论班).
07 武汉大学弘毅班 2016: Introduction to Machine Learning (本科生课程).
08 上海财经大学暑期学校, 2017: Statistical Learning (博士, 硕士研究生课程). https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4dUXxGpkjJ2-cz9XZ8w9yA