编辑: cyhzg 2016-11-14

s Undertakings) 5.3 检测报告审核 Test report review 5.3.1 GPM单位将依捍垂獾13QM000051规,审核供应商提供产品/?件之第三方认证检 测报告. Upon receipt of suppliers'

product/component 3rd party test report, GPM should review the report based on the standard stated in13QM000051. 5.3.2 ESH单位得针对已建?号之化学品进?检测,检测结果有疑虑者应由供应商送第三方检测 机构复检,费用由供应商自?负担.供应商应保证所提供之化学品?含群创光电12ES000008规 附?01所?第一大项禁用物质,并依该规附?02要求提供对应之第三方检测报告. ESH may ask supplier to double confirm and provide 3rd party test report of the composition of chemical which is uncertain and already has part number, and supplier shall make payment of the report. Supplier shall assure that provided chemicals don'

t contain any prohibited substances listed in 12ES000008-A001 section 1, and provide 3rd party test report based on 12ES000008-A002. 5.3.3 其余企业社会责任之检测报告,则由相关单位依诘毓曳?和其他国际安全环保标准 等审核. For the remaining CSR test report, it should be reviewed according to national regulations and other international ESH standard. 5.4 检测机构规 Test organization requirements 5.4.1 供应商所提供产品/?件第三方认证检测报告之机构,需为群创光电 13QM00051 附?

02 公布规评核通过. 文件名称:供应商企业社会责任检测报告审核作业系统 Doc. Name: Supplier Corporate Social Re........
