编辑: ok2015 | 2016-11-17 |
1 - 中国球墨铸铁消失模铸造技术进展与生产应用 贺闻豪
1 ,叶升平
1 ,韩晓红
2 ,唐锁云
2 (1 华中科技大学材料学院材料成形及模具技术国家重点实验室;
2 杭州凯斯特化工有限公司) 摘要:文章重点介绍了发泡材料的选择和研制及浇注工艺的控制,分析了球墨铸铁消失模铸造成功和失败 的案例,主要为如下四点:1)我国共聚物发泡珠粒性能稳定,成型性良好,接近日本共聚物性能,已在 全国
30 多家球墨铸铁企业使用.
与EPS 相比,共聚物能显著降低球墨铸铁件的皱皮和碳夹杂缺陷,从而 提高了产品的合格率;
2)球墨铸铁件在中小件的铁路铸件和汽车配件(牌号 QT450-10)上得到了成功应 用,尤其在小型的球铁铸件上采用了串浇工艺,提高了工艺出品率(达80%)和生产效率;
3)我国球墨铸 铁件球化级别偏低,大多为
3 级,1~2 级的较少,延伸率偏低,如牌号 QT400-18 的铸件生产难度很大. 我国球墨铸铁消失模铸造仍存在一些问题,如皱皮,碳夹杂等等. 关键词:消失模铸造;
球化率 Ductile Iron Lost Foam Casting Technology Development and Production Application in China He Wenhao1 ,Ye Shengping1 ,Han Xiaohong2 ,Tang Suoyun2 (1. State Key Laboratory Of Materials Processing and Die &
Mould Technology School of Material Science and Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan ,Hubei, P.R. China;
2. CASTCHEM(HANGZHOU),INC) Abstract: The article focuses on the selection and research &
development of foam material and casting process, and analyzes the successful and failing cases in the application of lost foam casting of ductile iron, mainly for the following three points:first,Chinese STMMA with stable quality and excellent briquettability is close to Japan'
s in properties, and has been used in more than
30 companies of ductile iron .Compared with the EPS, foam material of STMMA can significantly reduce the ductile iron'
s carbon defects, thereby enhancing the product qualified rate;
second, ductile iron parts in small and middle pieces of railway castings and auto parts (Brand QT450-10)have been successfully applied . Particularly in the small-scale ductile iron castings, string pouring process is used to improve the production yield (up to 80%) and production efficiency;
third, spheroidization level of ductile iron parts is low, mostly Grade three, Grade one and two less, making ductile iron in China has a low-grade elongation. So,it is difficult to produce qualified products of Brand QT400-18.There are still some problems with ductile iron lost foam casting of China, such as flow mark, the carbon inclusions, and so on. Key words: lost foam casting;
ductile iron;
String pouring process;
rate of spheroidizing
1 引言 消失模铸造是
21 世纪的绿色铸造技术.近十年来,我国消失模铸造得到超常规的发展,而球墨铸铁
2010 中国铸造活动周论文集 -
2 - 消失模铸造更是在近十年来发展迅速,在铸造设备、铸造原辅料、铸造工程师日益成熟的背景下球铁消失 模铸造技术日臻完善,球铁产量不断增长,比例不断提高.我国从事球墨铸铁生产的有代表性的企业有
13 家,如下表 1. 表1我国球铁消失模铸造企业信息 企业名称 企业所在地 生产状况
1 山西华恩(集团)公司 山西临猗县东外环路