编辑: 5天午托 2016-12-05



Aspen Plus 齐鲁工业大学

2016 年毕业设计

2 ABSTRACT Ethylene glycol is an organic compound primarily used as a raw material in the manufacture of polyester fibers and fabric industry. A small percent is also used in industrial applications like antifreeze formulations and other industrial products. It is an odorless, colorless, syrupy, sweet-tasting liquid. At present, the two main methods to produce Ethylene glycol are: produced by coal;

ethylene oxide legitimate direct water. For using coal to producing Ethylene glycol, catalyst is very important compound, it is difficult to find low-cost and efficient catalyst, and process is also complicated;

although the process of ethylene oxide legitimate direct water is sample, but this method have a couple of weakness, like backward technology of these devices, energy and water consumption higher. Therefore, this design uses more advanced equipment - reactive distillation column. Using newer reactive distillation technology to overcome the shortcomings of process of producing ethylene glycol, and the use of chemical process simulation software ASPEN PLUS to simulate and optimize, and finally get to meet the production standards and to meet the design task results. Also the main equipment'

s selection, draw the PID process flow diagram. Keywords: ethylene glycol;

ethylene oxide;

reactive distillation;

Aspen Plus 齐鲁工业大学

2016 年毕业设计


第一章 总论 1.1 简介 1.1.1 乙二醇的物理性质 乙二醇(Ethylene Glycol)又叫 甘醇 ,简称 EG,是最简单的二元醇.乙二 醇是无色无臭、有甜味液体,对动物有毒性,人类致死剂量约为 1.6 g/kg.是 一种重要的化工原料,与水/乙醇/丙酮/醋酸甘油吡啶等溶剂混溶,能够微溶于 乙醚, 能够溶解氯化钙/氯化锌/氯化钠/碳酸钾/氯化钾/碘化钾/氢氧化钾等无机 物, 浓度较高时易吸潮, 但是不溶于石油烃及油类. 乙二醇物性数据表见表 1-1: 表1-1 乙二醇物性数据表/25℃ ,100kPa 中文名 乙二醇 沸点 197.3℃ 英文名 Ethylene glycol 水溶性 与水互溶 化学式 (CH2OH)2 密度 1.1155(20℃) 分子量 62.068 外观 无色 熔点 -12.9℃ 闪点 111.1℃ 临界压力 7699KPa 临界温度 372℃ 偏心因子 0.27 临街摩尔体积 186C3/mol 粘度 25.66mPa.s(16℃) 燃烧热 1180.26KJ/mol 1.1.2 乙二醇的用途 主要用来生产增塑剂、 聚酯树脂、 聚酯涤纶、 合成纤维、 吸湿剂表面活性剂、 炸药及化妆品,并且用作配制发动机的抗冻剂、油墨等的溶剂、染料,气体脱水 剂,制造树脂、同时也可用作皮革、纤维、玻璃纸、粘合剂的湿润剂.可以用来 生产合成树脂, 涤纶纤维, 瓶片级 PET 用于制作矿泉水瓶等. 还可生产醇酸树脂、 乙二醛等,也用作防冻剂.除用作汽车用防冻剂外,还用于工业冷量的输送,一 齐鲁工业大学

2016 年毕业设计

4 般称呼为载冷剂,同时,也可以与水一样用作冷凝剂. 乙二醇甲醚系列产品是性能优良的高级有机溶剂,作为印刷油墨、工业用清 洗剂、涂料(硝基纤维漆、清漆、瓷漆) 、覆铜板、印染等的溶剂和稀释剂;

可 以作生产农药中间体、 医药中间体以及合成制动液等化工产品的原料;

作为电解 电容器的电解质、制革........
