编辑: liubingb | 2016-12-06 |
13 tasks of improving patent quality and facilitating patent com- mercialization and so on. 上海 近日袁上海市知识产权局组织召 开2014 年区县知识产权工作会议袁 分析了当前上海知识产权工作形势袁 部署了
2014 年区县知识产权工作重 点袁 即具体做好提升专利创造质量尧 促进专利转化运用等
13 项工作遥 Tianjin Recently, Tianjin industry and commerce administration joined hands with community staffs to popularize the new consumer law and relative knowledge to con- sumers in the local supermarket. Meanwhile, the enforcement per- sonnel also explained how to pre- vent illegal pyramid selling activi- ties. 天津 日前袁天津市工商行政管理局东 丽分局程林工商所监管干部联合社 区工作人员在辖区内超市向现场消 费者普及了新版消费者权益保护法 及消费维权知识遥 同时袁执法人员还 向现场消费者讲解了如何防范违法 传销活动的手段袁提高了消费者的法 律意识遥 Hebei A matchmaking symposium of IPR-advanced companies and banks cooperation was held by Shijiazhuang IP Office recently, attended by China Everbright Bank, China Construction Bank, CITIC Bank and other two banks and some IPR-advanced S&
T companies. Some companies reached a primary intent of cooperation with banks on IPR pledging. 河北 近日袁河北省石家庄市知识产权 局组织召开了全市专利权质押融资 银企对接会遥 光大银行尧建设银行尧中 信银行等
5 家金融机构代表尧部分专 利代理机构及资产评估机构代表以 及具有知识产权优势的中小型科技 企业代表共同参加了会议遥 对接会 上袁与会企业代表与金融机构负责人 进行了交流袁部分企业与银行达成了 专利权质押贷款的初步意向遥 Sichuan Currently袁Sichuan IP lead group has formulated a promotion plan on implementation of Sichuan IP Strategy. The plan involves
102 major tasks including a stage sum- mary of five years of implementa- tion of the strategy ........