编辑: 苹果的酸 | 2016-12-11 |
s cashier order made payable to AVIC INTERNATIONAL (HK) GROUP LIMITED and crossed Account Payee Only being the payment in full on application for the above number of excess Offer Shares. I/We, hereby request you to allot such excess Offer Shares being applied for, or any smaller number, to me/ us and to send by ordinary post at my/our risk to the address shown above my/our share certificate(s) for the number of excess Offer Shares as may be allotted to me/us in respect of this application and/or a cheque for any surplus application monies returnable to me/us. I/We understand that the directors of AVIC HK will allocate the Offer Shares in excess of assured allotments at their discretion, but on a fair and equitable basis, to Qualifying Shareholders who have applied for excess Offer Shares on a pro-rata basis with reference to the amount of excess Offer Shares applied for by the relevant Qualifying Shareholders. l/We understand that the allocation of the Offer Shares in excess of assured allotments entitlement will not be based on the number of the Shares held by the relevant Qualifying Shareholders and no preference will be given to topping-up odd lots to whole board lots. I/ We acknowledge that I am/we are not guaranteed to be allotted all or any of the excess Offer Shares applied for. I/We hereby undertake to accept such number of excess Offer Shares as may be allotted to me/us as aforesaid upon the terms set out in the related Prospectus and this Excess Application Form and subject to the Memorandum of Association and Bye-Laws (the Bye-Laws ) of AVIC International (HK). In respect of any excess Offer Shares allotted to me/us, I/we authorise you to place my/our name(s) on the register of members of AVIC International (HK) as the holder(s) of such excess Offer Shares. Box A No. of excess Offer Shares applied for (subject to a minimum of Remittance enclosed HK$
100 Offer Shares) Name of bank on which cheque/ banker'
s cashier order is drawn Cheque/banker'
s cashier order number (1) (2) (3) (4) Signature(s) of applicant(s) (all joint Shareholders must sign) Date: Contact Tel No: 敬呈: 中航国际 (香港) 集团有限公司 中国航空工业国际控股 (香港) 有限公司 敬启者: 本人吾等为上文列名之合资格股东,现不可撤回地以每股额外发售股份 0.37 港元之认购价申请认购甲栏指定 之额外发售股份,并附上以 「只准入抬头人账户」 方式划线独立开出,并注明抬头人为 「AVIC INTERNATIONAL (HK) GROUP LIMITED」 之支票或银行本票,作为申请认购上述数目额外发售股份须全数支付之股款. 本人吾等谨请中航国际 (香港) 配发该等所申请认购或任何较所申请认购数目为少之额外发售股份予本人吾 等,并将本人吾等就此项认购申请可能获配发之额外发售股份数目之股票及或应退还予本人吾等任何多出 之申请认购股款之支票,按上列地址以平邮方式邮寄予本人吾等,邮误风险概由本人吾等承担.本人吾等 明白,中航香港董事将参考相关合资格股东所申请之超额发售股份数目酌情但按公平及公正基准向申请额外发售 股份之合资格股东按比例分配保证配额以外之发售股份.本人吾等明白保证配额以外之发售股份之分配将不会 参考相关合资格股东所持股份数目,亦无优先考虑将不足一手之零碎股权补足为一手完整买卖单位之股权.本人 吾等知悉本人吾等未必可获配发全部或任何部份所申请认购之额外发售股份. 本人吾等谨此承诺按照相关之发售章程及本额外申请表格所载之条款,并在中航国际 (香港) 之组织章程大纲及 细则 ( 「细则」 ) 规限下,接纳可能配发予本人吾等前述之额外发售股份数目.本人吾等就任何获配发之额外发 售股份授权中航国际 (香港) 将本人吾等之姓名列入中航国际 (香港) 之股东名册,作为该等额外发售股份之持有 人. 甲栏 申请认购之额外股份数目 (惟最少须为