编辑: lqwzrs 2017-09-13
Chinese (Simplified) & English Nurse-Patient Communication

1 I am your nurse.

My name is… YES 是 我是你的护士. 我的名字是…… Do you read? NO 不 你看得懂吗? Can you hear/hearing aid? 你能听到吗?/ 你戴助听器吗? Can you see/glasses/contacts? 你能看到吗? /你戴眼镜/隐形眼镜吗? Do you wear dentures? 你有戴假牙吗? Do you have pain? Point to pain. 你有痛吗? 指着痛处. This is your medicine for pain/fever/nausea/infection. 这是你的止痛药/退烧药/止呕药/消炎药. Are you thirsty? Hungry? Cold? Nauseated? 你口渴吗? 饿吗? 冷吗? 恶心吗? Are you better now? 你现在好一点儿了吗? Is it hard to breathe? 呼吸有困难吗? It is time to get suctioned. 该吸一吸东西了. Chinese (Simplified) & English Nurse-Patient Communication

2 Do you need to urinate? Please save some of your urine in a cup, for a sample. 你要拉小便吗? 请装一些尿在杯子里, 做样本. YES 是Do you need to have a bowel movement (BM)/gas? 你要拉大便(屎)吗? /要放屁吗? NO 不Would you like to bathe? 你想洗澡吗? Take deep breaths. Cough. 深呼吸. 咳嗽. You need to get out of bed. 你应该下床了. It is the time to change your position 是时候转动你身体的位置了. I am going to take blood. 我要抽血了. I need to start an IV. 我要开始扎吊针了. Push this call light if you need help. 当你需要帮忙时,请按这个传呼灯掣. I have to change this dressing. 我要为你更换这敷料. You have to go to x-ray. 你得去拍 X 光照片. Chinese (Simplified) & English Nurse-Patient Communication

3 Have you had food or fluid? YES 是 你进食了没有或喝水了没有? It is the time to go for your surgery. NO 不 是时候给你做手术了. Are you feeling sad? 你是否难过? Did you sleep well last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗? Do you feel safe here? 你在这里觉得安全吗?
