编辑: kr9梯 2017-09-23

Qin, RR;

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Zhu, J Matching design and mismatching analysis towards radar absorbing coatings based on conducting plate MATERIALS &

DESIGN 24, 5, 391,

2003 Cao, MS*;

Zhu, J;

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Peng, ZH;

Xiao, G Simulation of multiple composite coatings based on conducting plate and investigation of microwave reflectivity MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 34, 6, 442,

2002 Cao, MS*;

Zhu, J;

Yuan, J;

Zhang, TF;

Peng, ZH;

Gao, ZJ;

Xiao, G;

Qin, SM Computation design and performance prediction towards a multi-layer microwave absorber MATERIALS &

DESIGN 23, 6, 557,

2002 Cao, MS*;

Wang, RG;

Fang, XY;

Cui, ZX;

Chang, TJ;

Yang, HJ Preparing gamma'

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2001 ........
