编辑: 丑伊 | 2017-09-23 |
4 里的团契、祷告的扶持.除此之外,各小组今年家庭聚餐次数比往年多很多,努力效法初代 教会'
的榜样.弟兄姊妹享受在团契中,神也将得救的人数加添给k的 教会. 其
三、兴起儿童部同工的一年.8月15日,儿童青少年部主任凯西姊妹,她过去十七年在土桑 华人基督教会的服事告一段落(儿童部老师十六年,儿童青少年部主任一年两个月).因凯 西姊妹的离职,神兴起更多同工们加入儿童服事的团并教导我们的孩子们.明皓子旺夫妇 主要负责周五儿童聚会;
红玲、 丁燕、丛悦和严英姊妹主要负责教导学前班孩子们.11月12日有儿童青少年部同工在教会举 办感恩聚会,彼此回顾过去一年神在儿童青少年部的带领,大家唯有向主献上感恩. 其
四、加强同工团的一年.教会有三个主要同工团:牧养团、行政团和祷告团. 牧养团有教牧同工和小组团契同工以及儿童青少年老师们所组成.9月4日第一次召开牧者 同工聚会,一同思想牧者的工作与奖赏,并彼此洗脚、彼此祝福.教会在今年有两次执行委 员会退修会(2月13日、11月5日)同工们在祷告中寻求新年的事工方向,并在主里分享、团契.教会祷告团有周三教会祷告会、姊妹祷告会(隔一周),还有亚利桑那大学行走祷告 团(每月第一个周六早晨).我们看到神喜悦我们祷告,也成就我们在圣灵里同心合一的 祷告,赐福姊妹团契,复兴学生福音事工.8月20日教会举办了迎新活动接待新生.今年的迎 新与去年不一样的设计和安排,有讲员筱益长老分享福音,有陶源弟兄雅鸿姊妹生命的见 证.虽然当天参加的人数比往年少,可参加迎新的新生几乎都留下来参加周五学生团契和主 日聚会.我们都亲眼看到,当教会弟兄姊妹们在圣灵里同心合一祷告、彼此相爱、彼此成 全、祝福的时候,神就大大地赐福教会. 最后、2016年是教会宣教的一年.年初Julia姊妹T国短宣两周,Joy姊妹A国宣教一年.我们 看到神在这两位年轻姊妹身上赐下的普世宣教的热心和负担,也体会到神对拯救普世万民那 迫切怜悯的心.两位姊妹的短宣是教会迈向跨文化宣教的开端,相信神亲自感动教会的弟兄 姊妹为普世宣教摆上祷告,并兴起更多人参与跨文化宣教.这是我们忠於神赐给我们教会的 异象与使命:广传福音、成全圣徒,与土桑华人分享福音、与普世万民分享主爱. 感谢主,2016年土桑华人基督教会弟兄姊妹努力追求用圣洁的生命时常亲近主,享受在美好 团契中,以至於2016这一年是教会荣神益人的一年.为过去一年神在我们教会所作的美事来 感恩,祈求主赐福记念同工们、弟兄姊妹的忠心和劳苦,一切的感恩都献给我们的主上帝面 前! 建造与团契 -- 曹丞浩
5 宣教之旅 There is no fear in love: Trusting God through a year in A-land By Joy Last year, while I was still deciding whether or not to commit a year of my life to A-land, I spent a lot of time in prayer. I had heard that A-land was a god-forsaken place, that it was incredibly dangerous, full of terrorists like Osama bin Laden. The only image that came to mind when I imagined A-land was a barren wasteland with militants shooting weapons at a dusty expanse. For reason after reason after reason, I knew that A-land was not a good place for me to go. But when I prayed about it, I kept hearing God tell me to go, and one day, I saw an image from the Lord. It was an image of a dry and dusty land that I thought must be A-land. And I saw a hand reaching down into the ground and coming back into view with a handful of beautiful jewels. In my heart I knew God was telling me that even though through the eyes of the world A-land is hopeless and lost, in his eyes, it is full of precious jewels. These precious jewels are the children that he loves, that He died for, that He purchased with His own blood. Even though I had not yet laid my own eyes on the land of A-land, I realized that every doubt I had (i.e. would God protect me? Is he truly good?) and every curse I accepted over A-land (i.e. there is no hope for that nation) was not from God'