编辑: gracecats | 2017-09-23 |
experience of plaster development. This knowledge enables us to develop state-of-the-art technologies C for products that are highly effective and accepted by the consumers because they meet their needs. Demands for high standard products There are two objectives that define Beiersdorf Research and Development. On the one side an innovation rate must be met, a rate incorporating more than 30% of our world wide turnover. On the other side, our products must reach the highest standard and be technologically safe and effective. From experimental research to the innovative product Beiersdorf focuses on consumer satisfaction and trust through the reliability and quality of their products. Beiersdorf constantly cares about the product development. Therefore all products must pass a 3-phase development plan before they enter the market. Product development at top level ? Phase 1: The basic technological research platform is created. New substances and combinations are researched and tested. This phase requires approximately three years. ? Phase 2: The selected raw material combinations are further researched and finalized. This development phase takes about two years. ? Phase 3: From the raw material combinations, the final product is created and perfected by single technology modules. Our success shows that we'
re right: we generate over 30% of sales with products that were launched within the past five years. We not only develop innovative technologies, products and product categories C we also invest in the infrastructure for this. The most recent example is our new research center in Hamburg, which provides additional useable space of 8,800m? for around
200 employees. 1.4 妮维雅组织结构 Good management has a name: Corporate Governance Beiersdorf AG welcomes the German Corporate Governance Code presented by the Government Commission and last updated in June 2005. The Code not only creates transparency for domestic and foreign investors as regards the framework for corporate management and supervision in Germany, but also establishes generally accepted standards for good and responsible company management. Good corporate governance has been a high priority at Beiersdorf even before the publication of the Code. Close, efficient 应届生求职大礼包 应届生求职网 YingJieSheng.COM 应届生求职网 http://www.yingjiesheng.com 第6页共46 页cooperation between the Executive and Supervisory Boards, a focus on shareholder interests, open corporate communication, proper accounting and auditing, and responsible risk management have always been the basis of the Company'
s success. As a result, compliance with the Code and its amendments did not necessitate any fundamental changes at Beiersdorf. We consider corporate governance to be an ongoing process and will continue to track future developments carefully. 1.5 妮维雅在中国
1994 年6月8日,Nivea(Shanghai)Co., Ltd.妮维雅(上海)有限公司成立了,当时她是德国拜尔斯道夫公司与上 海飞妮丝工贸公司(上海凤凰日用化学有限公司的子公司)的合资企业.
2001 年2月,妮维雅(上海)有限公司成为德 国拜尔斯道夫公司的独资子公司. 妮维雅在中国的历史可以追溯到
1930 年.当时,蓝听装妮维雅润肤霜(当时译名为 能维雅 )进入中国市场, 遍布上海,天津,北京,汉口,广州的各大药店和百货商店,成为老少皆宜,四季适用的护肤品,享有很高的声誉, 从而赢得大批忠实消费者.在八十年代,中国重新对外开放之际,妮维雅成为第一个重回中国的国际护肤品牌.