编辑: QQ215851406 2017-10-07

reading links;

sending signals;

accessing signal data in entries, exits and e?ects.

4 Diagram Generation While textual modeling is practical for editing models, graphical diagrams are better for understanding them. For this reason txtUML can generate standard UML diagrams from the models in the format of the Papyrus UML frame- work [14]. As of release 0.4.1, class diagrams and state machine diagrams are supported. We are working on composite structure diagrams at the time of writ- ing this paper. txtUML allows users to in?uence the layout of the generated diagrams by textual diagram descriptions. A simple DSL, realized by Java annotations, is de?ned for this purpose. The most important layout statements are the following: C @Above, @Below, @Left and @Right de?ne that two given diagram elements are placed next to each other vertically or horizontally. C @North, @East, @South and @West place the two given diagram elements in two di?erent half-plains of the diagram, but gives no further constrains on the distance of the elements. C @TopMost, @BottomMost, @EastMost and @WestMost place the given ele- ments on the corresponding side of the diagram. C @Row, @Column and @Diamond can layout multiple elements at once in the given shape. C @Show declares that the given elements have to appear on the diagram, but gives no further constraint on their placement. class MicrowaveOv........
