编辑: 雷昨昀 | 2017-10-18 |
人口及生命事件 1. Population and Vital Events
1 2. 劳工 2. Labour
7 3. 对外贸易 3. External Trade
39 4. 生产 4. Production
55 5. 土地、房屋、楼宇、建造 5. Land, Housing, Building and Construction
63 6. 运输、通讯、旅游 6. Transport, Communications and Tourism
87 7. 政府收支、货币、金融 7. Public Accounts, Money and Finance
113 8. 物价 8. Price
139 9. 商业 9. Commerce
151 10. 社会状况 10. Social Conditions
161 11. 能源 11. Energy
177 12. 国民收入及国际收支平衡表 12. National Income and Balance of Payments Account
181 13. 杂项统计 13. Miscellaneous Statistics
201 专题文章 Feature Articles 二零零一年第二季的香港失业人口概况 FA1 Kong in the Second Quarter of
2001 FB1 增长
2000 FL1 (二零零零年间刊载的专题文章题目列於书背.) October
2001 (A list of the titles of feature articles published in
2000 is on the back cover page.) 附录 Annex A1 统计处定期性统计数⒉既掌谝焕辣 Data by the Census and Statistics Department, November
2001 - February
2002 政府统计处刊物一览 A5 (截至二零零一年十月一日) Department (as at 1.10.2001) 邮购表格z政府统计处刊物{ A9 Department) 订阅表格z香港统计月刊{ A11 Statistics) Introduction The Profile of the Unemployed Population in Hong 一九八一至二零零零年货物及服务贸易的 Growth of Trade in Goods and Services from
1981 to List of Publications of the Census and Statistics Order Form (Publications of the Census and Statistics Subscription Form (Hong Kong Monthly Digest of 二零零一年一月至十月刊载的专题文章目录 List of Feature Articles Published during January to 二零零一年十一月至二零零二年二月政府 Schedule for Issuing Regular Releases of Statistical 香港统计月刊 二零零一年十月 iii Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics October
2001 香港统计月刊 二零零一年十月 iv Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics October
2001 绪言 Introduction 《香港统计月刊》是政府统计处编制的综合性 统计刊物之一,其他综合性统计刊物包括《香 港经济趋势》(半月刊)、《香港统计年刊》 和《香港社会及经济趋势》(双年刊).这些 综合性统计刊物辑录香港社会及经济各方面的 统计资料,提供围十分广泛的数,涉及社 会、经济和工商业各主题.它们各具特色,出 版频次、所载数列的统计期、详细程度及形式 有所不同,相辅相成,组成一个全面的参考系 列. The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is one of the general statistical digests compiled by the Census and Statistics Department. Other digests include Hong Kong Economic Trends (half-monthly), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics and Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends (biennial). Each digest brings together statistical data covering various social and economic aspects of Hong Kong. Statistical data contained cover a very wide range of topics relating to society, the economy and businesses. The digests are each featured in its own way. They are published at different frequencies with statistical data series presented in various length, depth and format. Complementing each other, together they form a comprehensive series for reference. 《香港统计月刊》收录本港各项最新社会及经 济统计数列,并尽可能将资料齐备的最近十五 个月份的按月统计数字,连最近三个完整年份 的按年统计数字一同刊载.由於月刊辑录需 时,政府统计处每半月出版《香港经济趋 势》,列载主要经济指标最新按月、按季资 料,让读者在其他详尽数形雌氡盖,尽快 掌握香港的经济脉搏. The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is a collection of up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong. Statistics are presented wherever possible in the form of monthly figures for the latest fifteen months for which data are available together with annual figures for the latest three complete years. Since collation of data takes time, the Census and Statistics Department compiles the Hong Kong Economic Trends on a half-monthly basis. This publication presents up-to-date monthly and quarterly data of major economic indicators which help readers grasp the pulse of Hong Kong'