编辑: ZCYTheFirst | 2017-11-01 |
1 26th July 机场迎接 来自亚太各地区代表抵达西安 Arrival at Xian Xianyang International Airport (XIY) and transfer to hotel 20:00 - 各区领会议 - Team Leaders meeting 第二日 Day
2 27th July 上午,前往西安交通大学 2019环亚太杯国际数学邀请赛总决赛 After breakfast transfer to Xian Jiaotong University for competition 09:00 - Registration-main lobby 10:00 - 11:15 - Individual Contest 11:35 - 12:15 - Team Contest 12:45 - 13:45 - Lunch 下午,西安西安工业大学航模学院,在学院交流接待处老师 的指导下, 学生学习制作火箭模型,并在运动场上放飞亲身 制作的火箭模型. 14:00 - 17:00 - Visit Aviation Model School of Northwestern Polytechnical University Under the guidance of the reception teacher, students learn to make rocket models and fly the rocket models made by themselves on the playground. 晚餐 18:00 - Dinner 第三日 Day
3 28th July 早餐后 After breakfast 九号宇宙航太科技馆 宇宙无限,探索无止境 国内首家沉浸式太空互动教育体验 馆、首家深空主题研学基地 09:30 - 17:00 - Visit Space Nine Aerospace Science and Technology Museum Infinited space, infinited exploration. The first immersive space interactive education museum and the first deep space research base in China. (include lunch) 晚餐 18:00 - Dinner Hotel : (three-star or above) Nanyang Hotel (Xian Jiaotong University'
s own-label hotel) or Jianguo Hotel (four-star hotel) 第四日 Day
4 29th July 早餐后 After breakfast 前往临潼参观秦始皇兵马俑博物馆,t解秦始皇陵及兵马俑 坑,被誉 为 世界第八大奇迹 的历史价值,体会秦朝时期 的多样文化与墓葬制度,完全可以与希腊、罗马的雕塑媲美. 并安排学生学习兵马俑的制作过程. 09:00 - 16:00 C Visit The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty&
Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses To understand their historical values as the eighth wonder of the world. To understand the diverse culture and burial system of the Qin Dynasty which are comparable to the sculptures of Greece and Rome. Students will be arranged to learn how to make terra cotta warriors and horses.(include lunch) 傍晚,参加由西安交通大学联合举办的颁奖晚宴&
文化之夜 16:00 - Transfer to Banquet Hall of Jianguo Hotel for award ceremony and cultural night 17:00 - Registration 18:00 - 21:00 - Award Ceremony and Cultural Night 第五日 Day
5 30th July 返程,按团航班时间送机. After breakfast free at own leisure or transfer to airport for flight departure HOME Sweet Home ........