编辑: huangshuowei01 | 2018-01-26 |
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1 项,湖南省科技重大专项
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荣获教育部霍英东教育基金会高 等院校青年教师奖和全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖等奖项;
在Advanced Materials、International Journal of Solids and Structures、Acta Materialia、Energy &
Environmental Science 等国际著名刊物 SCI 他引
318 次, 授权国家发明专利
2 项. 客观评价: 1. 印度理工学院 Neogi 和Chakraborty 在论文 Size-dependent effects sensitively determine buckling of a cylindrical silicon electrode particle in a lithium-ion battery (J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 124: 154302)中四次大篇幅正面引用我 们的成果,用以说明键弛豫理论在锂电池锂化变形中的应用研究,在我们研究 的基础上,他们将键弛豫理论拓展到硅纳米电极的力学性能演化中(Indeed, in a very recent work by Ma et al.,[33] the BOLS correlation was combined with a simple model of diffusion induced-stress in a lithium-ion battery electrode particle to show changes in the evolution of stress with different spherical particle diameters;
Thus, expanding the initial ideas of Ma et al.,[33] we aim to provide a more complete and refined mathematical model of the lithiation process of Si nanoelectrode particles), 文献33 为代表性论著 5.该论文关键推导引用的参考文献
39 和59 分为代表性论 著1和6. 2. 西北工业大学的吴建军教授课题组在著名力学刊物 Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2017, 679:
143 撰文 Identification of elastic-plastic properties of metal materials by using the residual imprint of spherical indentation 两次正面引用我们的文章, 用以 阐述纳米压痕技术在提取薄膜材料物理力学性能方面的局限性,并指出我们提 出的堆积效应可能是解决这一问题的有效方法 (On this issue, another important consideration is to introduce the additional experiment information in indentation analysis [25C27], e.g. the pile-up or sinking-in effect.),文献
25 为代表性论著 2. 3. 韩国汉阳大学的 Jae-il Jang 教授课题组在力学顶级刊物 Int. J. Plast., 2013, 41:
53 撰文 Nanoscale room temperature creep of nanocrystalline nickel pillars at low stresses 先后四次正面引用我们的文章,用以阐述纳米压痕技术在韧性材料 蠕变性能表征及其关键参数定量化方面的重大作用,并重点引用我们的参数做 对比研究(the values from the uniaxial creep test (Choi et al., 2011;
Ma et al., 2008a,b), which makes it difficult to judge whether the nanoindentation creep tests provide reliable values or not.),引用文献为代表性论著 3. 4. 上海大学张俊乾教授团队的郭战胜教授课题组在论文 Analytical solutions and numerical simulations of diffusion-induced stresses and concentration distributions in porous electrodes with particles of different size and shape (J. Mater. Sci., 2017, 52: 13606)中正面引用我们的研究成果, 用以说明核壳结构电极材料失 效的临界尺寸预测理论模型(Ma et al.[35] presented the failure modes of coreCshell electrode particles and obtained the critical sizes of cores and shells for avoiding surface fractures), 文献
35 为代表性论著 4. 苏州大学的邵杰团队在论文 Pomegranate-like CoO@nitrogen-doped carbon microspheres with outstanding rate behavior and stability for lithium storage (J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5: 9801)中,重点引用我们的 两篇代表性论著,用以解释核壳机构材料在缓解电化学失效方面的物理机理 (Firstly, ultrasmall CoO seeds possess rich active sites for electrochemical reactions, thus achieving high capacity, and also weaken the lithiation-induced fracture of the electrode,[37] leading to improved cycling performance. Secondly, a large number of pores exist between the CoO seeds, which can provide sufficient pathways to facilitate mass transfer, boosting rate capability, and accommodate the large volume change during lithium ion insertion/desertion, improving cycling stability.[38]) 文献