编辑: ok2015 2018-02-02
使用VLE经验及 校本电子学习发展分享 香港浸信会联会小学 黄剑o助理校长 陈净雯老师 徐敏聪老师 分享内容 ?1.

使用经验分享(使用前设定及数学科) ?2. 使用经验分享(英文科) ?3. 校本电子学习发展历程 使用前设定 ?教师户口 ?学生户口 (包括设定学科) 香港教育城技术支援人员协助处理 使用前设定(超连结) 建构电子书架(建立模组) 模组内摆放教材、「测验」 摆放教材,协助翻转课室的推行 「测验」= 「课业」 选择题 简答题 列式作答题 自动批改 (选择及简答题) How does the platform "VLE" help in teaching "English Language"? ? To get immediate response from students ? To identify students' difficulties with statistical evidence ? To cater for learners' diversity ? To promote self C directed learning Immediate response Teaching focus The use of superlative Activity Conduct a survey Immediate response Students can report the class findings immediately in the lesson. We think that chocolate is the yummiest. Identify students' difficulties Teaching focus The use of relative pronoun "who" Activity True / False Quiz Identify students' difficulties Teachers can modify the teaching content according to students' ability. Advantages of doing online exercise Statistical result for every exercise Easy feedback for individual student Future Plan ?Cater for learners' diversities ?Promote self C directed learning Before lesson During lesson After lesson ? Provide extra teaching notes or videos for less able students e.g. Chinese meanings of difficult vocabulary ? Provide additional quizzes for more able students ? Provide extra reading materials or exercise for more able students ? Provide easier version for students with special needs 校本电子学习发展历程 基建:全校Wifi 买40部iPad 软件:搜寻各科Apps 购买多40部iPad 软件:Process Apps Socrative, Lino, EduVenture 电子学习平台 Schoology, Edmodo, VLE 未来发展(BYOD) 总结 ? 设定简易及有专业支援 ? 不受机种限制 ? 建构电子书架,更有系统地管理学习资源 ? 「测验」能即时收集学生表现及提供即时结果,促进回馈 ? 更容易找出学生学习难点 ? 照顾学习差异 ? 协助翻转课室的推行,促进自主学习 未来发展 增强课堂中的互动(例如:使用讨论区) 学习设定与VLE互相兼容的第三方应用程式、系统、评估及教学资源 Thank You!
