编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2018-04-29
Collection Sonderhoff Part II Collection Sonderhoff Part II Dr.

jur. Roland Sonderhoff was born in

1897 in Harburg. From

1916 he studied law in Munich and Jena, where he also received his doctorate early in 1920. In Hamburg, he worked briefly in the civil service at the court and began in the same year with the training at the Norddeutsche Bank. After three years he was appointed authorized officer and led the legal department from

1925 to 1929. When in 1927/28 the takeover of Norddeutsche Bank by a larger company with a well-equipped legal department became apparent, Sonderhoff saw for a new field of activity in his wide circle of acquaintances. Among others, he got in contact with the lawyer Dr. Karl Vogt via the Hamburg-based representative of the Yokohama Specie Bank Sonoda Saburo. Vogt was looking for a German lawyer for his law office, he had established

1912 in Japan. As early as 1929, March 1st Sonderhoff joined the office in Tokyo as an employee. At the beginning of

1932 he became a partner and from now on the office was run as Drs. K. Vogt and R. Sonderhoff. Through his studies of Japanese language and writing Sonderhoff gained a strong interest in Asian art and used his travels to acquire numerous works of art. In China, he visited Beijing, but also the city of Harbin, where Vogt maintained an office to serve the patent and trademark interests of German clients in Mandchukuo. Already in his time in Hamburg, Sonderhoff had come to know the bookseller Erna Kracht. In

1923 she had co-founded the Hamburger Buecherstube Felix Jud & Co. in the Colonnaden as a partner.

1933 she followed Sonderhoff to Japan, where soon their two children Ursula and Hartwig were born. After the end of the war, most Germans living in Japan were expelled and the Sonderhoff family also had to travel to Germany with small luggage. The collection of artworks remained with trusted friends in Japan, who later returned them one after the other. Sonderhoff was exonerated and moved with his family to Hamburg. In

1952 Sonderhoff returned to Japan with the Japanese visa No.

1 to resume the operations of the lawyers office. Since his arrival in East Asia, Dr. Roland Sonderhoff bought bronzes, porcelains, scroll paintings, screens and other art - he assembled an important collection. In the period after

1952 it was supplemented only with a few more pieces in Hong Kong and Tokyo until about 1976. Sonderhoff meticulously documented his purchases in detailed descriptions with date, location and provenance as well as the prices paid. The documentation shows his broad interests. In addition to the East Asian works of art he also collected ceramics from Peru, Persian-Iranian objects, Khmer figures, Buddha from Thailand and works of art from Tibet. Unfortunately only the second volume of the records has been found so far. In this identical stickers with printed four-digit numbers are used as on the undersides of the porcelain. Additional information about the pieces could be found in a list written by Dr. Ursula Lienert, b. Sonderhoff after the handwritten notes of her father and supplemented by her immense expertise. Dr. Lienert worked in the Museum of East Asian Art in Berlin and later as a curator in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Hamburg. Added to the objects are, as far as available, information sheets typed by the collector or his daughter. Also photos from the period and later. The photo above shows the chimney room of the villa in Hamburg, Alsterkamp 19, where the family lived from

1970 to

1981 at least six months a year. Roland Sonderhoff 法学博士罗兰德?桑德霍夫1897年於出生 德国哈尔堡.从1916年起,他在慕尼黑 和耶拿学习法律,并在1920年初获得博 士学位.之后他作为公务员在汉堡法院工 作了一段时间,同年开始在北德意志银行 接受培训.三年后,他被任命为授权代理 人,并於1925年至1929年担任法律部门 领导.1927年至1928年当北德意志银行 即将被一家更大的企业收购时,他开始在 朋友围内寻求新的事业机会,这期间 他通过日本横滨正金银行驻汉堡的代表 人园田佐武郎认识了律师卡尔?沃格特博 士.沃格特博士於1912年在日本成立了 一家律师事务所,正在寻找一位德国律 师.1929年3月1日桑德霍夫开始在位於 东京的这家律师事务所工作,1932年初 就晋升到了合夥人位置,事务所也更名为 两人的名字.通过学习日语语言和文字, 桑德霍夫对亚洲艺术产生了浓厚兴趣,开 始以旅行之便收集各种艺术品.在中国, 他不仅去过北京,还到了哈尔滨,那里有 事务所一个办事处,专门在满洲国维护 德国客户在专利和商标法方面的权益. 早在汉堡生活期间,桑德霍夫就认识了图 书商人爱尔纳?卡拉赫特女士.她在1923 年作为股东创建了位於汉堡的Felix Jud & Co.书店.1933年她跟随桑德霍夫去了日 本,不久在那里生下了他们的一双儿女. 二次世界大战结束后,大多数居住在日本 的德国人被驱逐,桑德霍夫一家也携带少 量行李回到了德国.他们收藏的艺术品留 在了日本的好朋友处,之后被逐渐全数归 还.桑德霍夫携全家人搬到了汉堡,并在 那里完成了第二次国家考试,拿到了汉堡 法院授权的律师资格.1952年正值德国 欲重建被抢夺的资产之际,桑德霍夫持一 号签证重返日本,以恢复事务所的运作. 自从他最初到东亚后,就开始收藏青铜 器、瓷器、卷轴画、屏风等艺术品,建 立个人收藏.1952年以后直至1976年左 右,他又在香港和日本补充了少量藏品. 桑德霍夫以学术方式详细描述了他的藏 品,并记录下购买日期、地点、来源与 支付的价格.这足见他涉猎之广泛.除 了东亚艺术品之外,还有来自秘鲁的陶 器、波斯伊朗地区的艺术品、红棉造像、 泰国佛像以及西藏艺术品.可惜迄今为止 只找到了这些记录的第二册.这里面贴有 与瓷器底部相同的印有四位数字的标签. 他的女儿乌尔苏拉?里内尔特(原名桑 德霍夫)博士根盖资中吹淖痔醪⑵ 著自己庞大的专业知识,建立了一份清 单,里面有关於这些藏品的更多信息. 里内尔特博士层供职於柏林东亚艺术博 物馆,之后担任过汉堡艺术和工艺博 物馆的策展人.这些藏品信息是用打 字机写成的,由桑德霍夫本人或他女 儿完成,还配有当时及之后的照片. 此处的照片显示的是他们在位於汉堡Als- terkamp街19号别墅里的一间有壁炉的房 间,1970年至1981年间他们每年都会在 这里住上至少半年.
