编辑: f19970615123fa 2018-06-11

100 层的观光天阁, 欣赏上海繁华美景 Enjoy the panoramic view of Shanghai from the world highest observation desk, 100th floor (474 meters high) of the iconic landmark: Shanghai World Financial Center 17:00-19:00 新世界购物中心自由活动 Free time in New World shopping center

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4 RISH CHINESE SUMMER CAMP 晚餐: 韩式烧烤 Dinner: Korean style Barbecue 20:00-22:15 自由时间 Free time 熄灯 Lights off Tue. 07/23 8:10-8:40 早餐 Breakfast 8:45-11:45 中文课程 Chinese language course 12:00-13:50 午餐, 午休 Lunch, Break 14:00-15:30 中文实践课: 口语练习,角色扮演 Chinese workshop: Speaking exercise, role play 15:45-17:15 文化课:书法体验课 Culture course: Calligraphy 17:30-18:15 晚餐 Dinner 18:15-19:15 中文一对一辅导 1-on-1 Chinese tutoring 19:15-20:00 完成作业 Homework time 20:00-22:15 自由时间 Free time 熄灯 Lights off Wed. 07/24 8:10-8:40 早餐 Breakfast 8:45-11:45 中文课程 Chinese language course 12:00-13:50 午餐, 午休 Lunch, Break 14:00-15:30 中文实践课: YCT/HSK 练习 Chinese workshop: YCT/HSK exercise 15:45-17:15 运动时间 Sports time 17:30-18:15 晚餐 Dinner 18:15-19:15 中文一对一辅导 1-on-1 Chinese tutoring 19:15-20:00 完成作业 Homework time 20:00-22:15 自由时间 Free time 熄灯 Lights off Thu. 07/25 8:10-8:40 早餐 Breakfast 8:45-11:45 中文课程 Chinese language course 12:00-13:50 午餐, 午休 Lunch, Break 14:00-17:00 参观上海博物馆, 世界级中国古代艺术博物馆, 分小组完成博物馆寻宝竞赛游戏 Group game in Shanghai Ancient Museum, world-class museum of ancient Chinese art 18:00-19:00 晚餐: 披萨派对 Pizza dinner and party 20:00-22:15 自由时间 Free time 熄灯 Lights off Fri. 07/26 8:10-8:40 早餐 Breakfast 8:45-11:45 中文课程 Chinese language course 12:00-13:50 午餐, 午休 Lunch, Break 14:00-17:00 结业考试;


集体照 Final Exam;

Closing Ceremony;

Group Photo 18:00-19:30 中餐料理课程:包饺子 Chinese cooking class, self-made dinner (make dumplings) 20:00-22:15 自由时间 Free time 熄灯 Lights off Sat. 07/27 全天:早餐后启程前往南京, 南京山川秀美, 古迹众多, 与北京、西安、洛阳并称为 中国四大古都 .游览夫子庙秦淮河观 光带, 漫步于古色古香的建筑群, 体味明清时代的市井繁荣, 欣赏秦淮河两岸风光.参观孔庙, 供奉和祭祀孔子的庙宇, 古代 江南的文化枢纽之地.参观中国科举博物馆(江南贡院), 中国古代最大的科举考场, 科举文物收藏中心. Whole day: Depart for Nanjing, the capital city of ten dynasties in ancient Chinese history. Visit Confucius Temple (Fuzi Miao), learn about the life and thinking of Confucius, China'

s most famous sage. Visit China Imperial Examination Museum and Imperial Academy, learn history about Chinese ancient education system. Admire the old style buildings and beautiful night view along the banks of the Qinghuai River. Sun. 07/28 全天:参观中国三大博物院之一的南京博物院, 馆藏历朝历代的珍品文物无数.参观明代古城墙, 世界最长、保存最完好的古 代城垣.参观明孝陵, 明太祖朱元璋陵墓, 陵墓宏伟壮观, 代表了明初建筑和石刻艺术的最高成就.参观南京总统府, 中国近 代建筑遗存中保存最完整的建筑群, 清朝康熙、乾隆皇帝下江南时均以此为行宫. Whole day: Visit Nanjing Museum, one of the three biggest museums in China, with an extensive collection of first

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4 RISH CHINESE SUMMER CAMP class treasures, a must-see place for those who are fascinated by the long and cultured history of China. Nanjing is one of the few cities in China that still have well-preserved ancient city walls and city doors. Explore the Ming City Wall, key historical remain of Ming Dynasty, masterpiece of China'
