编辑: Mckel0ve 2018-08-26
第39 卷第8期2011 年8月西北农林科技大学学报( 自然科学版) Journal of Northwest A&

F University( Nat.

Sci. Ed. ) Vol.

39 No.

8 Aug.

2011 DOI: CNKI:

61 -1390/ S. 20110711. 1725.

022 网络出版时间:

2011 -07 -11 17: 25:

00 网络出版地址: http: / / w ww . cnki. net/ kcms/ detail/ 61. 1390. S. 20110711. 1725. 022. html

3 种蜡蝉雄性生殖系统形态比较 (半翅目: 蜡蝉总科) * 林江, 张雅林, 王应伦 ( 西北农林科技大学 植保资源与病虫害治理教育部重点实验室, 昆虫博物馆, 陕西 杨凌 712100) [ 摘要] =目的>

研究蜡蝉雄性生殖系统的整体结构, 以发现更多的分类特征, 为其所属类群乃至蜡蝉总科的 分类及系统发育研究提供依据.=方法>

在Leica MZ125 解剖镜下, 对缘蛾蜡蝉( S alurnis marginella ( Gu? rin -Menev - ille) ) 、 八点广翅蜡蝉( R icania sp eculum ( Walker) ) 及斑衣蜡蝉( L ycorma delicatul a ( White) )

3 种蜡蝉的雄性生殖系 统进行解剖观察, 应用 QImaging Ret ica 2000R CCD 数码相机进行照相, 并对

3 种蜡蝉的雄性内生殖器官进行比较研 究.=结果>

3 种蜡蝉的雄性生殖系统的形态结构基本一致, 射精管端部膨大, 生殖附腺发达, 但每侧精巢内精巢小管 的数目因种类不同而具明显差异, 八点广翅蜡蝉

12 根, 缘蛾蜡蝉和斑衣蜡蝉均为

6 根;

八点广翅蜡蝉和斑衣蜡蝉的贮 精囊外周被以薄膜, 而缘蛾蜡蝉的贮精囊则无薄膜包被.=结论>

缘蛾蜡蝉与八点广翅蜡蝉的雄性生殖系统结构较为 相似, 其2个精巢相互分开, 而斑衣蜡蝉的

2 个精巢相向包被在同一薄膜之中, 这表明雄性生殖系统在蜡蝉总科系统 学研究中具有重要的应用价值. [ 关键词] 半翅目;





雄性生殖系统 [ 中图分类号] Q969. 36+

5 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号]

1671 -9387( 2011)

08 -0125 -06 Study on comparative morphology of male reproductive system of three planthoppers( Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) LIN Jiang, ZHANG Ya -lin, WANG Ying -lun ( K ey Laborator y of P lant P rotection Resour ce and P est Management, Ministr y of Education, Entomological M useum , Northw est A &

F Univer sity , Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China) Abstract: =Objective>

The male internal reproductive system of planthoppers is studied and illustrated in this research, aiming at providing more useful information for taxonomy and phylogeny of Fulgoroidea. =M ethod>

T he male internal reproductive organs of three planthoppers ( S alurnis marginella ( Gu? rin -M e - neville) of the Flat- i dae, Ricania sp eculum ( Walker) of the Ricaniidae and Lycorma delicatula ( White) of the Fulgoridae) are dissected by the stereomicroscope of Leica MZ125 and photoggrahed by the Q Imaging Retica 2000R CCD. T hen they are compared and researched. =Result>

T he results show that the form and structure of male reproductive system of these three planthoppers are similar to each other, the ejaculatory duct is distinctly inflated near terminal and the accessory gland is w el- l developed, and the number of foll- i cles distinctly varies in different species, R. speculum has

12 follicles, both S . marginella and L . delicatula have

6 follicles. In addition, the seminal vesicle of R. speculum and L . delicatula are sheathed by mem - brane, but S. marginella is not. =Conclusion>

Generally, the testis of S . marginella and R . speculum are * [ 收稿日期]
