编辑: You—灰機 2018-09-16
2019 年全港性系统评估(中学) Territory-wide System Assessment

2019 (Secondary Schools) 监考员手册 Invigilators'

Handbook ?2019 香港考试及评核局 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority 第一天纸笔评估时间表Timetable for the First Day of Written Assessments 日期Date /开始时间Starting Time 18/6/2019 08:45 评估Assessment Session (评估时间Assessment time) 中国语文-写作Chinese Language C Writing (75 分钟minutes) 休息Break (15 C

35 分钟minutes) 评估Assessment Session (评估时间Assessment time) 中国语文-阅读Chinese Language C Reading (30 分钟minutes) 休息Break (15 C

35 分钟minutes) 评估Assessment Session (评估时间Assessment time) 中国语文-视资讯Chinese Language C Audio-Visual (约15 分钟)(Approximately

15 minutes) 中国语文-聆Chinese Language C Listening (约20 分钟)(Approximately

20 minutes) 第二天纸笔评估时间表Timetable for the Second Day of Written Assessments 日期Date /开始时间Starting Time 19/6/2019 08:45 评估Assessment Session (评估时间Assessment time) 英国语文-写作English Language C Writing (40 分钟minutes) 休息Break (15 C

35 分钟minutes) 评估Assessment Session (评估时间Assessment time) 英国语文-阅读English Language C Reading (35 分钟minutes) 英国语文-聆English Language C Listening (约35 分钟)(Approximately

35 minutes) 休息Break (15 C

35 分钟minutes) 评估Assessment Session (评估时间Assessment time) 数学Mathematics (65 分钟minutes) 目录 Contents 页Page

2 C

5 一般监考员指引General Guidance Notes for Invigilators

6 C

8 监考员填写「纸笔评估总结表」注意事项Notes for Invigilators on Completion of Assessment Summary for Written Assessments

9 C

11 监考员填写「学生出席纪录表」注意事项Notes for Invigilators on Completion of Students'

Attendance Record A1 C A13 附录Appendix 1A: 监考员须知(中国语文科纸笔评估)Instructions to Invigilators (Written Assessment C Chinese Language) B1 C B13 附录Appendix 1B: 监考员须知(英国语文科纸笔评估)Instructions to Invigilators (Written Assessment C English Language) C1 C C14 附录Appendix 1C: 监考员须知(数学科纸笔评估)Instructions to Invigilators (Written Assessment C Mathematics) D1 C D4 附录Appendix 1D: 监考WS6 及WS7 特别安排学生附加须知Additional Instructions to Invigilators on Handling of WS6 and WS7 Students Requiring Special Arrangements ?2019 香港考试及评核局版权所有

1 一般监考员指引 General Guidance Notes for Invigilators 1.

贴上电脑条码 Sticking Barcode Labels 学生需在答题簿/试 题答题簿( 下简称「 答题簿」)封面( 第1页)及 部份内页的右上角方格内贴上一个电脑条码,答题簿封面的「学生须知」会清晰指示学生在那些内页贴上电脑条码.Students are required to stick a barcode label in the box at the upper right corner of the cover (Page One) and some inner pages of their answer booklets/question-answer booklets (answer booklets). The Instructions on the cover page will clearly indicate to the students on which pages should barcode labels be used. 答题簿封面样本Sample cover of answer booklet: 一般情况下,监考员应指导学生将电脑条码适当地贴在方格内.若遇到学生有以下情况,亦不会影响电脑阅读电脑条码的内容,故监考员无须要求学生重贴条码:In general, Invigilators should instruct students to properly stick barcode labels right inside the boxes. However, under the following circumstances, the scanning of barcode labels will NOT be affected. Therefore it is NOT necessary to ask the students to stick the labels again: 1. 轻微贴出方格以外Slightly outside the box 2. 并非完全水平贴在方格内Not completely horizontal ?2019 香港考试及评核局版权所有
