编辑: ACcyL | 2018-09-24 |
更以废纸、 旧玩具车轮、胶樽 及木材等造成不同玩具. 其中「超级电容车」所用的 超级电容只需充电10秒,便可 走上10数个圈;
至於「振子机 械人」,则是一个会震动的电 子零件,只要大家齐齐发挥 「小宇宙」,利用不同的旧物 再制成振子的「脚」,便令振 子动起来. 为进一步推广,我们亦设立 facebook 专页「玩转绿色能源」,不但定时上载制作过程或 推广活动花絮,更分享有关可再 生能源的资讯;
亦在创新科技嘉 年华日设立摊位,向参观人士派 发风力发电机及振子等玩具配 件,希望他们在参观及试玩后, 将这些有趣玩意带回家或学校, 延续他们对可再生能源的兴趣并 融入生活之中. 钻孔差一厘米即报废 在整个比赛过程中,团难 免出现意见分歧,在玩具和发 电机设计方面均有不同看法. 现在回想起来,在意见磨合的 过程中,扩阔了我们的思路和 体现了团精神,互相补足, 从而令设计品更完善. 至於在制作的过程中,亦遇 上过不少挑战,例如曾经试过 一不为意,在钻孔时偏差了一 厘米,令整个水力发电装置报 销了. 这些小插曲,在逾半年的制 作过程中屡见不鲜,我们曾险 被这些困难打倒,有过放弃的 念头,幸好得到老师和负责指 导的港灯年轻工程师鼓励和协 助,我们才重新振作,坚持下 来,最后更不负众望,突破自 我,夺得比赛的冠军. 今次成功夺冠,再加上在嘉 年华上参观人士的支持,鼓励 我们未来继续到不同中、小学 摆设摊位、参加学校的开放日 和葵青区嘉年华等不同场合, 持续推广绿色能源可持续发 展,延续这个绿色能源梦. 最后,要衷心感谢港灯赞助 种子基金、港灯工程师的协 助、学校提供场地以及郑明忠 老师的技术支援才可令我们完 成这个追梦之旅,成功玩转绿 色能源. 李骏耀、杨景森 棉纺会中 学(港灯智「惜」用电计划 「绿得开心学校」之
一、2016 「绿色能源梦成真」比赛冠军 ) 旧物制玩具 玩转绿色能源 共享单车便民 总需求二千万辆
20 million shared-bikes expected to come in China At the factory of the time-honored bicycle manufacturer Flying Pigeon, the production lines were going full throttle C having gone through an assembly line from the components of the wheel to the frame with several tens of meters long, the production of a brand-new shared-bike was almost complete. Being a new form of internet plus traffic industry, the booming bike-sharing services not only facilitate people'
s traveling of the last kilometre , but also inject impetus to the development of the traditional bike-making industry. Tianjin to produce
10 million The director of the Tianjin Municipal Bicycle Industry Association Liu Xuequan said that he had been engaging in the bicycle industry for his lifetime but could hardly image it would have evolution like nowadays. Since the first half of last year until now, there have been
29 different bike-sharing suppliers in the market with a total of three million shared-bikes being put into operation. This is bringing some momentum to the traditional bicycle manufacturing industry, said Liu. As the largest bicycle manufacturing base in China, some sizable enterprises such as Flying Pigeon, Fushida and Aima have been involved in the design and production of shared-bikes and benefiting from this emerging industry. According to the Tianjin Municipal Bicycle Industry Association, over two million bikes were produced in the first two months this year, and the number is expected to reach