编辑: 5天午托 2018-09-26

1.0 照明: (200~300)lx Lamp: (200~300)lx 目测距离: (0.3~0.5)m Space: (0.3~0.5)m GB/T 5095.1 Method 1a 1.塑料件表面应无明显疤痕、凹陷、开裂及影响使用的变形. Plastic part: smooth and flat surface without discolor, broken, crack, and distortion, etc.

2 金属件表面无锈蚀、氧化 、无明显的机械损伤及电镀层脱 落等缺陷. Metal part: bright and even surface without rust, oxide, fog and obvious physical damage, etc. 6.1.2 端子的插入力 与固定力 Insertion force and Retention Force for Contact 固定连接器和测力计,在连接器轴线方向插入和拔出;

速 度不大于

25 mm/min. Axial Insert and withdraw force on the contact in the housing at a rate less than

25 mm/min. GB/T 5095.8 Method 15d / EIA-364-29B 插入力 (Insertion) MAX. 固定力 Retention MIN. 15N 20N 6.1.3 插簧与插针的 插拔力 Insertion and Withdrawal Force for Pin in the Contact 固定连接器和测力计,在连接器轴线方向插入和拔出;

速 度不大于

25 mm/min. Axial Insert and withdraw force on the pin contact in the socket contact at a rate less than

25 mm/min. GB/T 5095.8 Method 16e / EIA-364-13B 插入力 (Insertion) Max. 固定力(Retention) Min. 5N 1N 额定电流 Rated Current 7A 额定电压 Rated Voltage 250V [AC(有效值 rms)/DC] 使用温度范围 Operating temperature range -40℃~+105℃ (Include temperature rise) 适用线型 Applicable wires Wire Size:AWG18~AWG16(0.823mm?-1.31mm?) Insulation Diameter:2.1mm-2.3mm 产品规格书 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 产品名称 Product Name: TJC79203 编号 Document No. PS3426 版本号 VersionNo.


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8 6.1.4 压着部位抗张 强度 Crimping Pull Out Force 在试验装置夹头中固定试验样品,在连接的轴线方向施加 张力;

速度不大于 25mm/min. Fix the crimped contact, Axial pull out force on the contact in the housing at a rate less than

25 mm/min. GB/T5095.8 Method 16d / EIA-364-08B AWG 16:80N Min. AWG 18: 70N Min. 6.1.5 锁扣强度 Lock Strength 固定连接器(仅塑件)和测力计,在轴线方向将其拔出;


25 mm/min. . Mated connector ........
