编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2018-09-27
香港吸烟与健康委员会联同多个医学团体、控烟组织、学术团体及非政府组织 发起签名行动,邀请全港各界市民、公司及机构参与和支持,促请政府尽快 立法全面禁止电子烟及其他新烟草产品 (包括加热非燃烧烟草制品) ,同时为全面 禁烟订立时间表,以保障公众健康,建设无烟香港.

请立即到 www.smokefree.hk/support 签名支持,以及浏览更多有关 电子烟及其他新烟草产品的健康风险资料. 全面禁止电子烟及其他新烟草产品的原因 电子烟及新烟草产品 (如加热非燃烧烟草制品) 被宣传推广为潮流玩意, 吸引不吸烟人士尤其是年轻人使用. 有部分吸烟人士或转用有关产品,而未有考虑戒烟. 越来越多研究发现电子烟及新烟草产品亦含有有害物质, 危害民健康. 世界上并没有安全的烟草产品. 已有国家推行全面禁烟的计划. 立即 签名支持 支持 「全面禁止电子烟及 其他新烟草产品」 签名行动 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, in collaboration with various medical associations, tobacco control organizations, academia and non- government organizations, launches a signatory campaign to gather the public support to urge the government to enact a total ban on electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and other new tobacco products including heat-not- burn (HNB) tobacco products to safeguard public health. Timeline to ban smoking should also be formulated to achieve a smoke-free Hong Kong. Please visit www.smokefree.hk/support to sign now and learn more about the potential health risks of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products. Why should a total ban on e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products be enacted? E-cigarettes and other new tobacco products, including HNB tobacco products are marketed as trendy products attracting non-smokers, particularly the youngsters to try. Some smokers may switch to these products instead of quitting smoking. Harmful chemicals were also found in e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products, bringing health risks to the public. No tobacco product is safe. Some countries have launched tobacco endgame to ban smoking. Sign Now "Support to enact a total ban on e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products" Signatory Campaign
