编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2018-10-12

6 months. If I am applying for a designated position (as decided by the Corporation) and that my application for the designated position is successful, I agree that the Corporation will notify my referrer about my commencement and completion of required service periods after employment . For unsuccessful application, all my personal data will be destroyed after

6 months. 本人声明,就本人所知,申请表内填报的资料是真实和正确的;

本人也明白,填报任何虚假或误导性资料,可导致被取消申请资格,或於受聘后被撤职 .本人确认收妥香港铁路有限公司之收集职位申请人个人资料声明并明白有关内容.本人同意公司有权引用上述资料,作为处理本人於公司之职位申请 及於受雇后执行公司正常职务之用途. Referees will be contacted only with your consent. They should preferably be those who are acquainted with your working history, e.g. your immediate superior or those who have known you for a number of years. ?
