编辑: 人间点评 2018-10-14

2019 年 七月生效) Equivalent of ROHS in Taiwan? 台湾经济部标检局将 RoHS 指令规限用的有害物质列入标准检验局的商品验证登录管理之中 Another important aspect concerns providing information on substances in articles to consumers in the EU. Upon requests by consumers, producers need to provide information on SVHC in their product. This information must be provided free of charge and within

45 days. Amongst others, there is a support tool for consumer requests under http://www.bund.net/themen_und_projekte/chemie/stell_die_giftfrage/anfrage_generat or/ that supports the generation of requests using the barcode of the article. 所有进入欧盟市场的产品, 生产者有责任在消费者提出正式要求的

45 天内, 免费提出产品中所含 「高度关注物质」的相关资讯,消费者可使用以下网址获取提出正式要求的相关工具及说 明: http://www.bund.net/themen_und_projekte/chemie/stell_die_giftfrage/anfrage_generator/ Closing the loop 循环式生产 A major entry-point to reduce the total environmental and social impacts caused during raw materials extraction and manufacturing of smartphones and tablets is to use the devices as long as possible. 循环式生产是降低智慧型手机和平板电脑生产过程和开采原物料所衍生对环境和社会冲击的重 要途径. The influence of short innovation cycles, as well as advertising and tariff models of service providers seem to play a decisive role in this regard. 产品更新的周期短而快, 加上广告行销效应与配套的资费方案, 大大增加电子产品商业和生产模 式对环境和社会的冲击 The average lifespan of tablet PCs was increasing with an average of 1.82 years in

2012 to 2.26 in 2016. 个人电脑的平均使用周期从

2012 年的 1.82 年上升到

2016 年的 2.26 年Asurvey by the German consumer magazine Stiftung Warentest in

2013 (test 2013) showed that 42% of the respondents replace their mobile/smartphone within

2 years. 德国消费者杂志 Stiftung Warentest 在2013 年的问卷调查中发现 42%的受访者在近两年内曾 换新手机 A lack of software support for older operating systems can significantly hamper its use on newer hardware - it should be open source 新机型通常不支援较旧的软体操作系统, 同时旧机型也无法支援软体或系统持续更新, 大大影响 产品使用周期 - 开放式系统的问题较小 Economic obsolesence: when cost of a new product is less than repair 经济性淘汰: 购买新产品的价格较维修服务便宜 36% of batteries were not changeable - leading to purchase of new model 市面上 36%的消费性电子产品电池无法自行更换, 促使消费者在电池无法使用时更倾向於购买 新产品 Psychological obsoelence: fashion or new models cause a change - it is very often the user'

s wish for a new, better product that determines the limitation of usage times. 心理性淘汰: 受到新产品行销广告影响, 认为「新的比较流行, 品质功能较好」的心理因素使消费 者希望购买新产品 Recycling 回收处理 Collection is costly, requires users to drop their gadgets off 收集废旧手机成本高, 消费者主动将消费性电子产品交至回收点的比率低 Data estimates that that global collection rates for mobile phones are well below 50% and most probably even below 20% 数允救蚴只厥毡壤兜挽 50%, 甚至低到 20% As most people consider mobile phones as valuable devices plus the data security issues they tend to store them in households rather than disposing them. 消费者普遍认为手机是价值较高的产品, 且考量到资料安全问题, 大多数人倾向於将废旧手机留 在家中而非拿去回收或丢弃 Many consumers give used devices to other consumers as second-hand device C either via direct relations between individuals (e.g. within family), or via specialised second-hand collection schemes and purchase offers. 也有许多消费者选择将旧手机赠与亲友或是转卖给二手手机厂商 Storage at home represents a lost opportunity 闲置家中不用的手机也形成一种资源浪费 Pre-processing 前处理 Sorted, removal of batteries and external electric cables (chargers) 分类, 移除电池, 外接式充电线路 Then electronic waste is mostly broken down into parts and components either by mechanical processes (e.g. shredding) or manual operations (dismantling) 以机械式方法切碎或分解电子废弃物的各个零组件 They then go to end processing units or more specific sorting units 拆解下来的零组件进入后续处理程序, 或是再细部分类 A significant share of precious metals contained in EEE is delivered to end-processing units, which cannot recycle precious metals. 有很高比例混合稀土元素的贵重金属会进入最终处理程序, 在该处理阶段无法被提取回收 End processing 最终处理 There is no perfect recycling path for smartphones and tablets but, recycling option
