编辑: 此身滑稽 2018-11-03
The exhaust air in kitchen always causes serious air pollution.

The grease filter type exhaust hood is often criticised by local government authorities for its inadequacy in grease removal and fire prevention. "VENTEPEX" Environmental Exhaust Hood is the solution to your headache problem. Its water re-circulating system is perfectly solving the greasy smoke and unpleasant odour of the exhaust air generated during cooking and frying. Thank to "VENTEPEX" exhaust hood for its easy operation and effective cleaning. It is regarded by many restaurants and Food & Beverage operators. 一般厨房油烟问题均构成严重 的空气污染及易生火警.随著时代进步,以往的网式烟罩已不敷当地政府部门的环保及防火要求,现"VENTEPEX"是你最佳的问题解决伙伴,其循环水式控掣系统及不需滤油网的设计,能有效地清除由厨房运作时所产生的油烟及废气,为各大小商用食肆、厨房提供一个既清洁卫生又凉快的工作环境. 环保烟罩Environmental Exhaust Hood Environmental Exhaust hood 规格SPECIFICATIONS 1.2 kW 2.2 kW 环保烟罩Environmental Exhaust Hood 功能1) 除油90%及隔烟去味60%功能,有效遏止空气污染. 2) 自动循环水系统,能防止烟罩及排风管道易著火,有防火功能. 3) 全不锈钢外壳,易於日常运作的清洁及保养,提供卫生环境. 4) 排出的油污及热空气,因其经过洒水系统部份,以致排出空气减温, 从而提供一个较清凉工作环境. FEATURES 1) 90% of grease and 60% of smoke and odour can be removed. Air pollution can be prevented. 2) Its water spray system protects the exhaust duct from catching fire, highly reduces fire hazard. 3) Stainless steel construction makes it easy to clean and maintain. 4) Exhaust air cooling when passing through the hood, provides a cold and pleasant working environment to the chefs. 静压 主入气口风速 次入气口风速 每一循环所需时间 注入清水所需时间 耗水量 注入化油剂所需时间 化油剂消耗量 供水压力 水泵正常压力 Static pressure: Air velocity at first inlet: Air velocity at second inlet: Timer set for one cycle: Timer set for water filling: Water consumption rate: Timer set for detergent intake: Detergent consumption rate: City water pressure required: Pressure switch set: 25mm w.g. 3.5-5.5m/s 6-9m/s 40-50 mins 80-120 seconds 25-35 L/cycle 2-4 seconds

5 cc/cycle/nozzle

2 kg/cm2 1.5kg/cm2 VENT-EXH-04-2012-V2 香港新界葵涌永业街 1-3 号忠信针织中心

8 楼A室Flat A, 8/F., Chung Shun Knitting Centre, 1-3 Wing Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 电话 Tel. : (852)

2371 2862 电子邮箱 email : [email protected] 传真 Fax. : (852)

2371 2867 网址Web site : http://www.profitind.com 香港办事处 Hong Kong Office: 厂址 Factory: 中国广东佛山 Foshan, Guangdong, China
