编辑: sunny爹 | 2018-11-06 |
47 家. 广州轨道交通产业联盟以 政府引导、市场主导、政产 学研相融合 为基础,以 合作、共赢、创新、发展 为原 则,以 促进科技研发、推进产业升级 为依托,联合和动 员一切有志于投身轨道交通产业建设和发展的各方力量,在 联盟龙头企业的牵引下,集中行业优势资源,共同促进联盟 成员做优、做强、做大,为实现联盟成员的企业壮大和利润 增长 保驾护航 . 未来,广州轨道交通产业联盟将以 智能建设、智能装 备、智慧服务、检测认证、信息服务 为重点突破口,聚焦 创新孵化平台 轨交综合开发 轨交产业投资 智 慧建造 智慧运维 智慧服务 检测认证 的七大类 创新成果, 力争把广州市轨道交通产业打造成为立足大湾 区、面向全国、辐射全球的支柱产业. In 2018, Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress, earnestly fulfilled the Group'
s construction and development requirements, spared no effort to ensure the key task of opening four lines and starting the construction of six lines, and carried out design work in Guangzhou and
34 other cities in China, with comprehensive arrangements. While ensuring the key task of Guangzhou, the Institute implemented the general design contract of Guangzhou Metro, the general design contract of
25 lines in other cities, as well as the design tasks of many workstations. In 2018, Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. reformed its shareholding system, improved corporate governance, steadily expanded the market and realized operating revenue of RMB 1.478 billion, with a pre-tax profit of RMB
215 million, an increase of 17.97% and 14.71%, respectively, compared to 2017. In 2018, the rail transit design industry of China entered a period of adjustment. Approvals for Metro network construction planning were slowed down, and the number of biddable lines was limited. Therefore, market competition has become increasingly fierce. Faced with the severe market conditions, the Design Institute adopted various measures to expand its business, and successfully obtained the Nanning Metro Network Planning project (2018-2035), the Zengcheng Tramway project (rubber- wheeled tramcar) and other early-stage projects, and is also involved in the development of several Metro depots and sections and station TOD projects in Shenzhen, Wuxi and other cities. At the same time, the Design Institute strengthened external cooperation and signed an agreement with NORINCO International with respect to the design of light railway in Zambia, with a contract price of over RMB
230 million. In 2018, under the unified leadership and deployment of Municipal SASAC (state-owned assets supervision and administration commission) and Guangzhou Metro Group Corporation, the Design Institute successfully introduced strategic investors, implemented employee equity incentives, completed the increase in capital and shares, completed the restructuring of the shareholding system and established a joint-stock company, applied to Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau for registration, and announced its listing guidance. The restructuring and listing work entered the stage of listing guidance. The standardization and independent operation of the company will be further promoted, and the preliminary study on fund-raising investment projects will be carried out, to create favorable conditions for the company'
s IPO. In 2018, the Design Institute attached importance to scientific research and promoted innovation. During the year, the Design Institute successively won