编辑: 达达恰西瓜 2018-11-16

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4 The United Kingdom's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity. Comprehension Task True or false Decide if the following statements are true or false. 1. Not many people are afraid of spiders. 2. The narrator isn?t afraid of spiders. 3. The narrator?s friend is terrified of spiders. 4. When she sees a spider she calls the police. 5. The narrator?s friend suffers from a phobia. 6. She goes to see a specialist doctor. 7. She gets a new pet cat. 8. The psychiatrist thinks she is a serious case. 9. They use the behavioural approach to cure her phobia. 10. The psychiatrist shows her a spider that is not real. 11. She learns to like the plastic spider. 12. The behavioural approach doesn?t work. 13. Another problem appears at the end of the story. Answers
