编辑: JZS133 | 2019-01-01 |
35・No.6: 568-574 Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment http://www.aed.org.cn 杨新明, 庄涛, 周伟, 等. 山东省农业源氨排放清单研究[J]. 农业资源与环境学报, 2018,
35 (6) : 568-574. YANG Xin-ming, ZHUANG Tao, ZHOU Wei, et al. Agricultural ammonia emission inventory in Shandong Province[J]. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2018,
35 (6) : 568-574. Agricultural ammonia emission inventory in Shandong Province YANG Xin-ming, ZHUANG Tao, ZHOU Wei* , HAN Lei (Jinan Environmental Research Academy, Jinan 250000, China) Abstract: Research of agricultural ammonia emission inventory in Shandong Province which can provide data support for the ammonia emission reduction. Based on the available data from Shandong Statistical Yearbook 2016, agricultural ammonia emission inventory was es? timated for Shandong Province. The results showed that the total NH3 emission from agricultural sources was 1.058*106 t, and the ammonia emission intensity was 6.71 t・km-2 . Livestock (6.868*105 t)was the largest contributor which accounted for 64.89% of the total agricultural ammonia emission, followed by nitrogen fertilizer (3.083*105 t)accounting for 29.14%. Ammonia emission from biomass burning, human activity and soil emission was 2.173, 2.117, 1.943*104 t, respectively, which accounted for 2.05%, 2.00%, 1.84% of the total agricultural ammonia emission. Nitrogen fixing plant (900 t)was the lowest contributor which accounted for 0.09%. Agricultural ammonia emission sin Heze, Dezhou, Weifang, Linyi, Jining and Liaocheng (7.910*104 ~1.366*105 t)were more serious than another city. Scientific and standard? ized breeding and rational fertilization should be proposed to decrease ammonia emissions. Keywords: agricultural ammonia emission;
emission factors;
distribution characteristics 山东省农业源氨排放清单研究 杨新明, 庄涛, 周伟* , 韩磊(济南市环境研究院, 济南 250000) 收稿日期: 2018-05-07 录用日期: 2018-07-20 基金项目: 中央环境保护专项资金项目 (2110301) ;
山东省自然科学基金项目 (ZR2016DB19) 作者简介: 杨新明 (1986―) , 男, 甘肃敦煌人, 工程师, 从事环境质量调查研究.E-mail: [email protected] *通信作者: 周伟E-mail: [email protected] 摘要: 为建立山东省农业源氨排放清单, 根据 《山东统计年鉴2016》 数据, 采用排放因子法估算了山东省2015年农业源氨排放清 单.结果表明, 山东省
2015 年农业源氨排放量为 105.831 万t, 排放强度为 6.71 t・km-2 .畜禽养殖是最大的排放源, 排放量为 68.673 万t, 占总排放量的 64.89%, 猪和家禽是畜禽养殖排放量的最大贡献源, 两者占畜禽养殖排放量的 72.88%;
其次是氮肥施 用, 排放量为 30.835 万t, 占总排放量的 29.14%;
生物质燃烧、 人体排放、 土壤本底的氨排放量分别为 2.
173、 2.
117、 1.943 万t, 分别 占总排放量的 2.05%、 2.00%、 1.84%;
固氮植物的氨排放量最小, 仅为 0.09万t, 不足总排放量的 1%.菏泽、 德州、 潍坊、 临沂、 济宁、 聊城是山东省农业源氨排放大市, 氨排放量为 7.910~13.662万t.研究表明, 应从规范畜禽养殖规模和合理施肥两方面着手, 精准 施策, 以减少山东省农业源氨排放量. 关键词: 农业源氨排放;
分布特征 中图分类号: X51 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 2095-6819 (2018) 06-0568-07 doi: 10.13254/j.jare.2018.0111 氨是大气中的微量气体之一, 能够与 SO