编辑: kieth 2019-03-09
Method: 1.

Dice the zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, red onion & asparagus and leave aside. 2. Place the tomatoes & red onion into a heatproof pan, add 2tbsp of olive oil and stir well. Cook in Miele steam oven at 100?C for

20 minutes. 3. Blend rice & broth in and steam at 100?C for

30 minutes until done. 4. Mix the seasonings &

1 tbsp of olive oil with the remaining ingredients and place them over the rice. Steam the product at 90?C for

12 minutes, serve when done. Cooking tips: - Pan-fry the vegetables before steaming for crispier and richer taste. - Place the cooked rice in the pan over gas cooktop & cook in medium low heat to get a nice crispy rice crust. INGREDIENTS SEASONINGS Tiger prawns 2pcs, clams 8pcs, baby squids 4pcs, white fish fillet cut diced 80g, zucchini 1/4pc, assorted bell peppers 1/4pc each, cherry tomatoes 4pcs, red onion 1/4pc, asparagus 2pcs, rice 1.5cup, chicken broth 1.5cup, extra virgin olive oil 3tbsp Mixed herbs chopped 1/4tsp, salt & pepper SEAFOOD RISOTTO (SERVES 2) 做法: 1. 意大利青瓜、彩椒、车厘茄、红洋葱及露笋切成小粒待用. 2. 将车厘茄及红洋葱粒放入耐热锅内,加入2汤匙特醇榄油拌匀,放入Miele 蒸炉 100?C蒸20分钟. 3. 加入白米及清鸡汤一同拌匀,以100?C蒸30分钟至米饭熟透. 4. 将所有材料连同调味料及1汤匙特醇榄油一同拌匀放在米饭面,再以90?C 蒸12分钟即可享用. 烹调小贴士: - 如喜欢香口,可先把意大利青瓜、彩椒、车厘茄、红洋葱及露笋先放入耐热锅略煎再蒸. - 以耐热锅烹调米饭后可放明火炉具上以中小火烘烤出香脆饭焦. 材料 调味料 虎虾2只,花蛤8只,小型鲜鱿4只,白肉鱼柳80克,意大 利青瓜1/4个,彩椒各1/4个,车厘茄4个,红洋葱1/4个, 露笋2条,白米1.5杯,清鸡汤1.5杯,特醇榄油3汤匙 香草碎1/4茶匙,盐及黑椒碎适量 七彩杂菜海鲜烩饭 (2人份)
