编辑: xiaoshou | 2019-05-31 |
用湿抹布将水垢除去再用乾布擦净 Wipe off dust with wet cloth then clean with dry cloth. 用非摩擦性清洁剂不含研磨剂和软 百洁布擦洗 Cleanse with non-friction detergent and soft sponge. 用稀释后的家用漂白水或其他消毒 水擦洗表面 Use diluted bleaching agents or other disinfectants to clean surface. ? ? ? ? Matrix is extremely durable, its intensity and stiffness conforms the national profession standards. Please be aware that sharp knives or any pointy objects may cause impair on the surface. In order to smoothen scratches, polish damaged surface with no.
600 to
1200 sandpapers, depending on the different levels of scratches;
then spread wax evenly over damaged surface and cleanse with sponge. In addition, please avoid heavy impact or hammering the surface with force. For any inquiries, please feel free to contact our local dealers. 美彩石实体面材坚实耐用,强度及硬度完 全符合国家制定的行业标准.但仍需注意 刀口及其他尖利物体可能带来的损伤.若 不慎留下刀痕,可根鄣纳钋,可用# 600-1200度的砂纸轻轻打磨,然后均匀 地涂抹抛光蜡,再用百洁布处理一遍.此外,应避免重物撞击或捶打表面.如有问 题,请咨询美彩石的特许经销商. 保持面板乾爽 Keep stone surface dry. 吹风机加热吹乾,几小时 (或几日)?便可逐渐恢复原状. 防止被化学品侵蚀 Prevent chemical erosion In daily care, fierce chemical should be prevented from direct contact with stone surface. (Fierce chemical includes: paints, paint remover, metal cleanser, degreaser, dimethyl benzyl chloride, acetone nail polish remover, acidic cleaning solution etc). If the surface is contaminated by any of the above chemicals, rinse with soap and water immediately. If in contact with nail polish, clean with non- acetone nail polish remover and rinse with water. 在日常使用维护当中,应防止烈性化学 品接触美彩石实体面材.(如烈性化学品 包括:油漆剂、起漆水、金属清洗剂、 炉具清洗剂、亚甲基氯化物、丙酮―去 指甲油剂、强酸清洗剂等?)若与以上物 品接触,应立即使用大量肥皂水清洗, 若沾上指甲油,请用不含丙酮的清洗剂 清洗,再以清水冲洗. ? - ? Use blower to dry surface, in a few hours (or a few days), the stone will be reinstated. ? -