编辑: hys520855 | 2019-06-30 |
2008 and 2009. Many thanks to Mrs. Tian Xiufang ( 秀芳 士;
in Laze: /s ?g ?mi?/) and her family. Many thanks to our colleagues Katia Chirkova, Huang Xing, Latami Dashi, Lurong Duoding and Sun Hongkai for their help and support, and to an anonymous reviewer for helpful and encouraging comments;
errors are our own responsibility. Fieldwork was funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) as part of the research project What defines Qiang-ness? Towards a phylogenetic assessment of the Southern Qiangic languages of Muli (ANR-07-JCJC-0063;
acronym: PASQi). 1. Syllable structure and inventory of syllables Laze, like Naxi and Yongning Na, has a simple syllabic structure: (C)(G)V+T, where C is a consonant, G an on-glide, V a vowel, and T a tone. Brackets indicate optional constituents. There are neither initial clusters nor final consonants. Table
1 provides a syllabic inventory. For the sake of convenience, glides are considered as part of the rhyme: thus, there are separate columns for /?/, /w?/ and /j?/. Tones are not included because in synchrony they combine freely with all syllable types. The table is phonemicised: for instance, '
w?w '
in the cell corresponding to initial /h/ and rhyme /w / indicates that the combination /hw / is attested, and that its phonetic realisation can be approximated as [w?w ], i.e. the consonant /h/ undergoes allophonic rounding in this context. Explanations on the phonemicisation process will be provided below (section 3). Each cell contains (i) the phonetic realisation of the syllable and (ii) at least one example in Chinese translation. A long dash (―) indicates an unattested combination. In addition to these two clear cases (existence vs. nonexistence), there exist a few borderline cases, essentially consisting of borrowings and of syllables resulting from vowel harmony. '
indicates a recent borrowing from Chinese, e.g. '
in the cell corresponding to initial /f/ and rhyme // means that the syllable /f/ is only found in recent Chinese borrowings;
an example is 发, Pinyin: fā. (A description of the essentials of the Chinese dialect of Muli, the most important donor dialect from the 1950s to recent years, is provided by Li Lan 2010.) '
indicates that the combination at issue is very likely to be the result of vowel harmony: that it is only found as the first syllable within disyllables whose two syllables have the same rhyme. This important phenomenon is described in section
2 below. Table 1. An inventory of the syllables of Laze. The two words glossed as '
虚词 '
function words'
) are the accomplished, /tj ?/, and the mirative, /lj ?/. ? w? w i ie y u e w ?? v? j? j j zero ? 家―w? 崽w 花?i 水?ie 饱嗝儿jy 梦,坟?u, u 咱们 ― ― 带―w?? 书,笑, 石?? ― j 奶奶j 袖子hx 难h? 害羞w?w? 肩w?w 挂i舌头―y痔u?u 孩子x楔子x晚――w?w 渴 f B ― ― ― fi 雨fv? 子―――v―v? ― ― vi 牛vie 雪cf zero+ v? ― ― ― k? q? 露水q?? 沟――t?i ― t ?y 头发 k?u 坝q? 雾k? 狗k? 背篓―k?w 屋―k?v? 烟―t?蔬菜 t ? 礼物kq 遮q? ― qw 痒, 舀ti云tie 痰tyku q 咙k能k头―kw ― kv?皮t?湿t煮t蓑衣, 嚼垭?富w? 刍w 庄 客气 g VH ― VH ― d i 袋子―dy手gu 妹妹―gg―gw ― gv? 雷d?泥巴 d 美d泥巴?w? w i ie y u e w ?? v? j? j j t? t? 书――――t?ie 聪―t?u 牙齿 冷v? 出―――tt 全部―――Btie ( ) ty 系tu 哄――t茶壶;
那―――tv? 洞―tj 虚词―?―?? 臼齿雾皱?v? 骨髓―――?w? w i ie y u e w ?? v? j? j j d d ― ― ― di 少die dy 地, 户du 害羞―d围来―――dv?翅――――?涉过去 w? 狐狸 刻湖v? 坟―――p? p? 狼p?? 块――p?i 高p?ie 蝴蝶―p?u 跑――p? 悔―――p?v? 霜―――pp 洞―――pi 长大pie 嘴―pu 一堆――pB――pv? 祈祷pj? 一半――bb 衣服b? 蠢――bi 门bie 旁―bu 闪电b苍蝇(VH) ― b 普米―――bv? 臭bj? 腮――――――i天花板 ie y 庹u骨 l l 手l? 洞lw? ― i ie 茶y子u扛马v? 含―lj 虚词―ss 气s? 鞋(VH) ― ― si 怕―sy 马…… su ― s? 知道―se 凉快――sv? 磨―――zz 孩子―――zi 睡觉―zy 林zu 孤儿―z? 疹子―ze 儿子――zv? 揉―――话?拖w? 马嚼子w 搅―ie 七VH y : ― u 铁―?跳――w子?? 水獭v? ― ― ― ― ? 火花w? 飘动 w 努力 ― ― y : ― u 中―?山――w养―v? ― ― ― ? w? w i ie y u e w ?? v? j? j j 铧头??? 代??w? 快u炒―??? 掉――??w 梳―??v? 料―――??掷??段?w? 搅u―??画―B?w数―?v?传―――?抢w? 挖――――u痛―?(雨) ― ― w 抓―v?燃烧―――ts? ts?ts?i 剪―ts?y 冬ts?u 跳―ts?? 一―ts?e 盐――ts?v?拣―――ts ts ts? 钩子(VH) ― ― tsi 星――tsu 火塘―ts? ― tse 山――tsv?咳嗽―――dz dz 跑―――dzi ― dzy 缠, ― ― dz? 勒―dze 吃――dzv? 子―――?w? w i ie y u e w ?? v? j? j j m m 士m? 大 竹子 ― ― mi 酥油mie ― mu ― ― ― (neg) ― ― ― m?? mj? 眼泪 ― ― n n ? ― ― ni 嘴唇――nu 你臭nj? 眨眼nj 鼻nj 苋米?? ― ― ?w 膝iie 霜y火钳――?是?跌―?w 臼齿 ― ??? 银―――To the onsets and rhymes in Table