编辑: 5天午托 2019-06-30

时间 (5±1) s 后, 在正常条件下恢复 1~2h. Dip solder tails into the molten solder(held at (260±5) ℃ for (5 ±1) sec., Recovery time 1~2 hours GB/T 5095.6 Method 12d / EIA-364-56A 外观:无损伤(参照6.1.1) Appearance: No damage.( refer to 6.1.1) 6.2.8 灼热丝 Glow wire (只针对 GWT750℃产品only for GWT750℃ products) 750℃的灼热丝顶部接触试验样品, 接触时间: (30±1)s 接近和离开速率:10mm/s~25mm/s 灼热丝进入或贯穿试验样品深度: (7±0.5)mm 750℃glow wire contacts with mated connector, Time: (30±1)s Speed of closing to and leaving: 10mm/s~25mm/s Depth that glow wire penetrates mated connector:(7±0.5) mm GB/T 5169.10 1.试验样品燃烧时间不超过2s. The time that mated connector burns is not more than 2s.

2、灼热丝离开后的30s内样件无火焰或灼 热情况,且无滴落物或滴落物不燃烧. 30s after glow wire leaves mated connector, it does not burn or is no incandescence and it does not fall something or falling something does not burn. 产品规格书 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 产品名称 Product Name: TJC5010 编号 Document No. PS1849 版本号 VersionNo.


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6 7.测试分组 Test Sequences (Samples:5PCS) 测试组 GROUP NUMBER A B C D E F G H I 外观 Appearance

1 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3

1 针的固定力 Retention Force for Pin

2 耐高温 Heat Resistance

2 耐低温 Cold Resistance

2 恒定湿热 Humidity

2 温度循环 Temperature Cycling

2 盐雾 Salt Spray

2 可焊性 Solderability

2 耐焊接热 Resistance to Soldering Heat

2 灼热丝 Glow wire

2 : : ;


: ;

2 1

3 检DZ -

11 合格证QUALIFIED 客户名称 规格型号 物料号 客户料号 批次号 数量生产日期 检验员 ........
