编辑: ok2015 2019-07-01
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2017 Location: Shanghai, P.R.China With the rise of emerging market multinationals (EMNEs), cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) by EMNEs are booming. The continuing sluggish global economy offers new opportunities for EMNEs in overseas markets. Since 2008, many MNEs from developed countries experienced the aftermath of the 2008-2009 financial crisis, including market withdrawal and business contraction, that could have benefited cross- border M&As by those EMNEs with sufficient funds and global ambitions. Take China as an example. According to HDG China (October 22, 2016), the total number of cross-border M&As by Chinese firms reached

601 deals, valued at US$173,9 billion, a 69% increase over the same period last year. However, statistics from Dealogic show that

45 deals ($35.8 billion) were cancelled in the first nine months of 2016, reaching a record high cancelation rate. Meanwhile, a Chinese government's report shows that nearly half of China's EMNEs suffered losses. This raises questions about the cross-border M&As by China's EMNEs. Is it strategic to acquire the failed businesses in the overseas markets? What value do cross-border M&A create for EMNEs? What liabilities do cross-border M&As create for EMNEs? What are the success factors for EMNEs during and after M&As? How do EMNEs digest acquired firms post acquisitions? Many of these questions remain unanswered. Given these gaps, the Institute of Management and Organization, School of Business, ECUST, together with the Chinese Business Studies Initiative (CBSI) of University of San Francisco, will launch the 2nd international symposium on May 22, 2017. This symposium will provide a platform for sharing ideas and insights among scholars in terms of current and future research on these issues. During this one-day symposium, various sessions including paper presentations, keynote speeches, and academic and industry panel discussions will be organized. Scholars, business executives, entrepreneurs, and policy-makers are invited to join us in the discussion. 页码,4/7(W) w 2018/10/24 http://bs.ecust.edu.cn/?s=/bsweb2016/index/detail/oid/2-4260040/m/hdgg Theme: This symposium aims to provide a platform for both scholars and practitioners to share ideas about EMNEs. Any related topics about cross- border M&As or internationalization of EMNEs are encouraged and appreciated here. Submission Guidelines We invite scholars to present research and identify questions that concern emerging market multinationals. Your submission must include a 1-2 pages extended abstract with the following components (where relevant): ・Purpose ・Design/methodology/approach ・Findings ・Research limitations/implications ・Practical implications Important Dates Symposium Date: May 22,
