编辑: 645135144 2019-07-01

11 月2号partner 面 德国的 partner 为人严谨,不苟言笑 风格严肃 1, 你的专业是法律,tell me something about the law of China 2, You'

ve studied a course: International Finance &

Trade, tell me what you learnt from it? (妈呀,三年前选的课了,学得什么全忘了) 3. Why you chose audit? There are other industries such as consulting which is more sexy? (一面也问过这个问题,唉~) 4. You'

ve studied abroad, tell me about it. 5. You learnt anything about acounting? Tell me about it 6. What do you consider as the most important qualities as a leader? Assume that your team was supposed to get 1th prize in a contest, but you only got 2nd or 3rd, what will you do to your team the next day? 7. I'


ve seen your big success in school, tell me about your most disappointing thing in school. 8. Why you think that you fit into accounting and accounting fits into you? 9. Is there any other area you are interested in or you have a profession for? 10. You are interested in Finance, you know what is the most important thing that'

s happening now in the financial world? (The Financial crisis started in America. Of course) What industries do you think that'

s gonna be affected by this crisis other than the financial part? 问了这么些个问题,他不停的看表,全部英文,因为他不会说中文.而且他会问到你网申时 填到的任何内,如你学过的课程,你填的 open questions. 网上的 partner 面经很多,有的partner 面得很随意,但是有的 partner 则非常的严谨,所以大家都要准备好,尤其是上 海所,有很多国外的 partner 在这边,大家准备好面试英语吧. 3. KPMG10 月27 日Par 面面经+积攒 RP http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-45737-1-8.html 暑期过笔试没实习,上周二上午一面,周五收到通知 Par 面. . 一面面经发在应届生了.当时感觉不是很好,于是周五收到 Par 面通知,确实让我小振 奋了一把.不过能准备的东西不多,该想的一面前都已经想过了,只是趁着周末在家里大致 过了一遍. . .事后证明,提前准备这个........
