编辑: 枪械砖家 2019-07-01

4 进行枯燥乏味的句型练习,结合多媒体教学,给学生新鲜感和吸引力,促进孩子学好英语, 说好英语.同时并非每一节课都适合上网络课,否则教学效果不是 事半功倍 ,而是 事倍功 半 了,教师也就是在 做秀 了. 视思明,听思聪 .多媒体网络教学集视听于一体,教师 在教学过程中应用网络把生动直观、抽象思维和实践合理地结合,使教师的讲解如虎添翼,学生 的学如鱼得水.在互联网环境下进行英语教学的有效性不言而喻.同时,还必须掌握现代化的设 计思想和方法指导现代化的教育技术手段的运用,才能优化中学英语课的教学过程,从而真正提 升教育教学质量以及自身的素质. 教育研究工作室 Seeing Is Not Believing

2013 级英语系 程章晗 第20 届中国日报社

21 世纪・可口可乐杯 全 国英语演讲比赛上海赛 区一等奖、华东师范大 学赛区特等奖 Good afternoon, I see trees of green, red roses too. For people decades ago, a wonderful world is plain to the eye. Now, trees are still green and roses are still red, but they are very likely to be artificial. Thanks to new technologies, we are in a world where we cannot trust our eyes. Photos can be altered with Photoshop and movies full of computerised effects. Sometimes I say to myself: what a doubtful world! Indeed, we can'

t help asking: is seeing truly believing? Too often, in daily life, we don'

t pause to give a second thought on the truthfulness of what we see. For example, Mandarin ducks, Yuanyang, are a popular symbol of devoted love and spousal loyalty in Chinese culture, due to the fact that they seem to be always in pairs. For thousands of years, people write exquisite poems in celebration of their virtue, hoping for ........
