编辑: Cerise银子 | 2019-07-02 |
18 Sales Office during
13 December
2014 to
15 December
2014 (from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday), and from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Saturday and Sunday)). The registrant must bring along his/her H.K.I.D. Card(s)/Passport(s) and the registration of Intent bearing the Vendor'
s company chop. If the registrant is a company or if the unused cashier order(s) is/are collected by the authorized person, the authorized person shall bring along with him/her a copy of the H.K.I.D. Card(s)/Passport(s)/Business Certificate/Certificate of Incorporation of the registrant (as the case may be) the Registration of Intent bearing the Vendor'
s company chop, a valid authorization letter, a copy of the HKID Card/passport of the Director signing the authorization letter (if the Registrant is a company) and the original H.K.I.D. Card/Passport of the authorized person. After the completion of the balloting and the selecting and purchasing of the specified residential properties by eligible persons in accordance with the above procedures, the order of priority in the selection of the remaining specified residential properties (if any) will be on a first come first served basis. But the Vendor, in order to maintain order at the sales offices, reserves the right to allocate the particular specified residential property to any of the interested person and determine to whom a residential property will be sold in case of any dispute by any method (including balloting). On
12 December
2014 and thereafter: First come first served. Persons interested in purchasing must personally attend the designated place where the sale will take place. But the Vendor, in order to maintain order at the sales offices, reserves the right to allocate the particular specified residential property to any of the interested person and determine to whom a residential property will be sold in case of any dispute by any method (including balloting).
2014 年年年年12 月月月月11 日日日日: : : : 以抽签方式决定优先次序,有意购买该等指明住?物业的人士或公司(「登记人」)须遵从下?程序: 1. 登记人 (或其获授权人士) 须於2014 ?12 月4日至
2014 ?12 月10 日期间 (星期一至星期五下午
12 时至下午
8 时,星期六及星期日上午11时至下午8时)到香港九龙宋皇台道38号傲云峰地下G-06号m利.港湾 18售楼处(「利.港湾 18售楼处」)递交下列文件.登记次序不会影响∽≌镆档挠畔却涡. (a)已填妥及由登记人签署的购?意向登记表格,每位登记人只可递交
1 份购?意向登记,重复递交将? 会受?;
(b)购?意向登记须附有本票,本票的?目须与登记人於购?意向登记内填写的意欲购买的住?物业?目 相同,惟该住?物业?目?能多於
2 个.每张本票?额为港币$100,000 及抬头人须为「顾增海律师行」;
及(c)登记人的香港身份证/护照(视属何情况而定)或(如属公司登记人)商业登记证书/公司注册证书和签 署购楼意向登记表格之董事的香港身份证/护照副本. 2. 若登记人在成功购买任何指明住宅物业,该本票将会用於支付购买该指明住宅物业的部分临时订金. 3. 已根鲜龅
1 条进行登记的登记人 (如属公司登记人,签署购楼意向登记表格之董事) 须於
2014 年12 月11 日下午
6 时至
7 时(报到时段)亲?香港九龙城沙浦道30-38号富豪东方酒店一楼东方宴会厅(「一 楼东方宴会厅」).各登记人或签署购楼意向登记表格之董事(视属何情况而定)须携同(i)(如属个人登 记人)登记人的香港身份证/护照(视属何情况而定)或(如属公司登记人)签署购楼意向登记表格之董事的 香港身份证/护照和登记人的商业登记证书/公司注册证书及(ii)附有卖方公司印章的购?意向登记表格.经卖 方确认并核实身份后,登记人方可享有最终抽签资格.於2014 年12 月11 日下午